@ -624,7 +624,7 @@ shuffle(<list>) |
</ul> |
<h3 id="timezone">Timezone</h3> |
<pre><code class="python language-python hljs"><tzinfo> = UTC <span class="hljs-comment"># UTC timezone. London without DST.</span> |
<tzinfo> = tzlocal() <span class="hljs-comment"># Local timezone.</span> |
<tzinfo> = tzlocal() <span class="hljs-comment"># Local timezone. Also gettz().</span> |
<tzinfo> = gettz(<span class="hljs-string">'<Cont.>/<City>'</span>) <span class="hljs-comment"># Timezone from 'Continent/City_Name' str.</span> |
</code></pre> |
<pre><code class="python language-python apache hljs"><DTa> = <DT>.astimezone(<tzinfo>) <span class="hljs-comment"># Datetime, converted to passed timezone.</span> |
@ -1090,6 +1090,10 @@ Hello World! |
<span class="hljs-function"><span class="hljs-keyword">def</span> <span class="hljs-title">get_member_names</span><span class="hljs-params">(cls)</span>:</span> |
<span class="hljs-keyword">return</span> [a.name <span class="hljs-keyword">for</span> a <span class="hljs-keyword">in</span> cls.__members__.values()] |
</code></pre> |
<ul> |
<li><strong>If there are no numeric values before auto(), it returns 1.</strong></li> |
<li><strong>Otherwise it returns an increment of last numeric value.</strong></li> |
</ul> |
<pre><code class="python language-python hljs"><member> = <enum>.<member_name> |
<member> = <enum>[<span class="hljs-string">'<member_name>'</span>] |
<member> = <enum>(<value>) |