@ -839,7 +839,7 @@ duration = time() - start_time |
#### Times execution of the passed code: |
```python |
from timeit import timeit |
timeit('"-".join(str(n) for n in range(100))', number=10000) |
timeit('"-".join(str(n) for n in range(100))', number=1000000) |
``` |
#### Generates a PNG image of call graph and highlights the bottlenecks: |
@ -883,32 +883,33 @@ Progress Bar |
------------ |
#### Basic: |
```python |
class Progressbar(): |
def __init__(self, steps, width=40): |
self.steps = steps |
self.width = width |
self.filled = 0 |
self.counter = 0 |
self.treshold = self.filled * self.steps / self.width |
sys.stdout.write(f"[{' ' * width}]") |
import sys |
class Bar(): |
def __init__(s, steps, width=40): |
s.st, s.wi, s.fl, s.i = steps, width, 0, 0 |
s.th = s.fl * s.st / s.wi |
s.p(f"[{' ' * s.wi}]") |
s.p('\b' * (s.wi + 1)) |
def tick(s): |
s.i += 1 |
while s.i > s.th: |
s.fl += 1 |
s.th = s.fl * s.st / s.wi |
s.p('-') |
if s.i == s.st: |
s.p('\n') |
def p(s, t): |
sys.stdout.write(t) |
sys.stdout.flush() |
sys.stdout.write('\b' * (width + 1)) |
def tick(self): |
self.counter += 1 |
while self.counter > self.treshold: |
self.filled += 1 |
self.treshold = self.filled * self.steps / self.width |
sys.stdout.write("-") |
sys.stdout.flush() |
if self.counter == self.steps: |
sys.stdout.write("\n") |
``` |
```python |
from time import sleep |
STEPS = 100 |
bar = Progressbar(STEPS) |
bar = Bar(STEPS) |
for i in range(STEPS): |
<code> |
sleep(0.02) |
bar.tick() |
``` |
@ -916,10 +917,11 @@ for i in range(STEPS): |
```python |
# pip3 install progress |
from progress.bar import Bar |
from time import sleep |
STEPS = 100 |
bar = Bar('Processing', max=STEPS) |
for i in range(STEPS): |
<code> |
sleep(0.02) |
bar.next() |
bar.finish() |
``` |