* **Time and datetime can be 'aware' `<a>`, meaning they have defined timezone, or 'naive' `<n>`, meaning they don't.**
* **Module 'datetime' provides 'date' `<D>`, 'time' `<T>`, 'datetime' `<DT>` and 'timedelta' `<TD>` classes, all of which are immutable and hashable.**
* **Time and datetime can be 'aware' `<a>`, meaning they have defined timezone, or 'naive' `<n>`, meaning they don't.
* **If object is naive it is presumed to be in system's timezone.**
# $ pip3 install pytz
@ -483,6 +484,15 @@ import pytz
<DTa> = DT.now(<tz>) # Aware datetime from current <tz> time.
### Timezone
<tz> = pytz.timezone('<Cont.>/<City>') # Use 'pytz.utc' for UTC.
<DTa> = <DT>.astimezone(<tz>) # Converts datetime to passed timezone.
<Ta/DTa> = <T/DT>.replace(tzinfo=<tz>) # Changes timezone without conversion.
<TD> = <T/DT>.utcoffset() # Returns timezone's current offset from UTC.
<TD> = <T/DT>.dst() # Returns daylight saving time offset.
### Encode
<D/T/DT> = D/T/DT.fromisoformat(<str>) # From 'YYYY-MM-DD', 'HH:MM:SS.ffffff[+<offset>]' or both.
@ -519,15 +529,6 @@ import pytz
* **`'z'` - Timezone offset, ± and 4 digits**
* **`'Z'` - Timezone name**
### Timezone
<tz> = pytz.timezone('<Continent>/<City>') # Use 'pytz.utc' for UTC.
<DTa> = <DT>.astimezone(<tz>) # Converts datetime to passed timezone.
<Ta/DTa> = <T/DT>.replace(tzinfo=<tz>) # Changes timezone without conversion.
<timedelta> = <T/DT>.utcoffset() # Returns timezone's current offset from UTC.
<timedelta> = <T/DT>.dst() # Returns daylight saving time offset.