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Dict, Closure

Jure Šorn 1 year ago
2 changed files with 4 additions and 4 deletions
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  2. 4


@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ value = <dict>.setdefault(key, default=None) # Returns and writes default if
<dict>.update(<dict>) # Adds items. Replaces ones with matching keys.
value = <dict>.pop(key) # Removes item or raises KeyError.
value = <dict>.pop(key) # Removes item or raises KeyError if missing.
{k for k, v in <dict>.items() if v == value} # Returns set of keys that point to the value.
{k: v for k, v in <dict>.items() if k in keys} # Returns a dictionary, filtered by keys.
@ -862,7 +862,7 @@ from functools import partial
* **Partial is also useful in cases when function needs to be passed as an argument because it enables us to set its arguments beforehand.**
* **A few examples being: `'defaultdict(<function>)'`, `'iter(<function>, to_exclusive)'` and dataclass's `'field(default_factory=<function>)'`.**
* **A few examples being: `'defaultdict(<func>)'`, `'iter(<func>, to_exc)'` and dataclass's `'field(default_factory=<func>)'`.**
### Non-Local
**If variable is being assigned to anywhere in the scope, it is regarded as a local variable, unless it is declared as a 'global' or a 'nonlocal'.**


@ -145,7 +145,7 @@ value = &lt;dict&gt;.setdefault(key, default=<span class="hljs-keyword">None</s
&lt;dict&gt; = dict.fromkeys(keys [, value]) <span class="hljs-comment"># Creates a dict from collection of keys.</span>
<pre><code class="python language-python hljs">&lt;dict&gt;.update(&lt;dict&gt;) <span class="hljs-comment"># Adds items. Replaces ones with matching keys.</span>
value = &lt;dict&gt;.pop(key) <span class="hljs-comment"># Removes item or raises KeyError.</span>
value = &lt;dict&gt;.pop(key) <span class="hljs-comment"># Removes item or raises KeyError if missing.</span>
{k <span class="hljs-keyword">for</span> k, v <span class="hljs-keyword">in</span> &lt;dict&gt;.items() <span class="hljs-keyword">if</span> v == value} <span class="hljs-comment"># Returns set of keys that point to the value.</span>
{k: v <span class="hljs-keyword">for</span> k, v <span class="hljs-keyword">in</span> &lt;dict&gt;.items() <span class="hljs-keyword">if</span> k <span class="hljs-keyword">in</span> keys} <span class="hljs-comment"># Returns a dictionary, filtered by keys.</span>
@ -729,7 +729,7 @@ player = Player(point, direction) <span class="hljs-comment">#
<li><strong>Partial is also useful in cases when function needs to be passed as an argument because it enables us to set its arguments beforehand.</strong></li>
<li><strong>A few examples being: <code class="python hljs"><span class="hljs-string">'defaultdict(&lt;function&gt;)'</span></code>, <code class="python hljs"><span class="hljs-string">'iter(&lt;function&gt;, to_exclusive)'</span></code> and dataclass's <code class="python hljs"><span class="hljs-string">'field(default_factory=&lt;function&gt;)'</span></code>.</strong></li>
<li><strong>A few examples being: <code class="python hljs"><span class="hljs-string">'defaultdict(&lt;func&gt;)'</span></code>, <code class="python hljs"><span class="hljs-string">'iter(&lt;func&gt;, to_exc)'</span></code> and dataclass's <code class="python hljs"><span class="hljs-string">'field(default_factory=&lt;func&gt;)'</span></code>.</strong></li>
<div><h3 id="nonlocal">Non-Local</h3><p><strong>If variable is being assigned to anywhere in the scope, it is regarded as a local variable, unless it is declared as a 'global' or a 'nonlocal'.</strong></p><pre><code class="python language-python hljs"><span class="hljs-function"><span class="hljs-keyword">def</span> <span class="hljs-title">get_counter</span><span class="hljs-params">()</span>:</span>
i = <span class="hljs-number">0</span>
