@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ List
sum(< list > )
sorted_by_second = sorted(< list > , key=lambda tup: tup[1])
[item for sublist in < list > for item in sublist] # Flattens List.
flattened_list = [item for sublist in < list > for item in sublist]
@ -34,8 +34,8 @@ Dictionary
collections.defaultdict(< type > ) # Creates a dictionary with default values.
dict(zip(keys, values)) # Initiates a dict from two lists.
collections.defaultdict(< type > ) # Creates a dictionary with default values.
dict(zip(keys, values)) # Initiates a dict from two lists.
{k: v for k, v in < dict > .iteritems() if k in < list > } # Filters a dict by keys.
@ -56,16 +56,19 @@ Set
< set > .union(< set > )
< set > .intersection(< set > )
< set > .difference(< set > )
< frozenset > # Is hashable and can be used as key in dictionary.
#### Frozenset
##### Is hashable and can be used as a key in dictionary.
range(from_inclusive, to_exclusive)
range(from_inclusive, to_exclusive, step_size) # Negative step_size for backward.
range(from_inclusive, to_exclusive, step_size)
##### Negative step_size can be used for backward range.
@ -83,18 +86,18 @@ TestResults(filed=1, attempted=2)
#### Reads input until it reaches empty line
#### Reads input until it reaches an empty line.
for line in iter(input, ''):
Use _partial_ from functools if function needs arguments.
#### Skips first element
#### Skips first element.
next(< iter > )
for element in < iter > :
@ -114,7 +117,7 @@ next(stepper) # 10 (, 12, 14, ...)
type(< el > ) # int/str/set/list /...
type(< el > ) # < class ' int ' > /< class ' str ' > /...
import numbers
@ -155,6 +158,8 @@ re.search(<regex>, text)
{:^min_width} # ' < el > '
{:_min_width} # '< el > ____'
{:.max_width} # '< e > '
{:max_widht.min_width} # ' < e > '
{:max_width.no_of_decimalsf} # ' 3.14'
@ -203,7 +208,7 @@ args = (1, 2)
kwargs = {'x': 3, 'y': 4, 'z': 5}
func(*args, **kwargs)
##### Is same as
#### Is the same as
func(1, 2, x=3, y=4, z=5)
@ -231,7 +236,7 @@ lambda <argument1>, <argument2>: <return_value>
[i+j for i in range(10) for j in range(10)]
##### Is same as
#### Is the same as
out = []
for i in range(10):
@ -315,10 +320,11 @@ class <name>:
import enum
class < enum_name > (enum.Enum):
< name1 > = < value1 > # Or "= enum.auto()" for automatic indexing.
< name1 > = < value1 >
< name2 > = < value2 >
##### Also "< name3 > = enum.auto()" can be used for automatic indexing.
< enum_name > .< name > # == < enum >
@ -329,8 +335,8 @@ class <enum_name>(enum.Enum):
Cutlery = Enum('Cutlery', ['knife', 'fork', 'spoon'])
list(< enum_name > ) # == [< enum1 > , < enum2 > , ...]
random.choice(list(< enum_name > )) # == random < enum >
list(< enum_name > ) # == [< enum1 > , < enum2 > , ...]
random.choice(list(< enum_name > )) # == random < enum >
### Copy
@ -459,7 +465,7 @@ lock.release()
Every function returns a generator and can accept any collection. If you want to print an output of generator, as in examples, you need to pass it to list()
Every function returns a generator and can accept any collection. If you want to print an output of generator, as in examples, you need to pass it to _ list()_
@ -529,7 +535,7 @@ islice([1, 2, 3], 1, None)
### Ifilter/imap/izip
##### Filter, map and zip functions that return generators instead of iterators
##### Filter, map and zip functions that return generators instead of iterators.
Introspection and Metaprograming
@ -694,6 +700,7 @@ chr(<int>)
#### Times execution of the passed code.
import timeit
timeit.timeit('"-".join(str(n) for n in range(100))', number=10000)
@ -721,7 +728,7 @@ def get_datetime_string(a_datetime):
#### Saves list of floats of size 0 to 1 to a WAV file
#### Saves list of floats of size 0 to 1 to a WAV file.
import wave, struct
frames = [struct.pack("%dh"%(1), int((a-0.5)*60000)) for a in < list > ]