@ -1239,13 +1239,13 @@ error_msg = <span class="hljs-string">''</span>.join(traceback.format_exception(
├── AssertionError < span class = "hljs-comment" > # Raised by `assert < exp> ` if expression returns false value.< / span >
├── AssertionError < span class = "hljs-comment" > # Raised by `assert < exp> ` if expression returns false value.< / span >
├── AttributeError < span class = "hljs-comment" > # Raised when an attribute is missing.< / span >
├── AttributeError < span class = "hljs-comment" > # Raised when an attribute is missing.< / span >
├── EOFError < span class = "hljs-comment" > # Raised by input() when it hits end-of-file condition.< / span >
├── EOFError < span class = "hljs-comment" > # Raised by input() when it hits end-of-file condition.< / span >
├── LookupError < span class = "hljs-comment" > # Raised when a look-up on a collection fails .< / span >
├── LookupError < span class = "hljs-comment" > # Base class for errors when a collection can't find an item .< / span >
│ ├── IndexError < span class = "hljs-comment" > # Raised when a sequence index is out of range.< / span >
│ ├── IndexError < span class = "hljs-comment" > # Raised when a sequence index is out of range.< / span >
│ └── KeyError < span class = "hljs-comment" > # Raised when a dictionary key or set element is missing.< / span >
│ └── KeyError < span class = "hljs-comment" > # Raised when a dictionary key or set element is missing.< / span >
├── MemoryError < span class = "hljs-comment" > # Out of memory. Could be too late to start deleting vars.< / span >
├── MemoryError < span class = "hljs-comment" > # Out of memory. Could be too late to start deleting vars.< / span >
├── NameError < span class = "hljs-comment" > # Raised when an object is missing .< / span >
├── OSError < span class = "hljs-comment" > # Errors such as “file not found” or “disk full” (see Open) .< / span >
│ └── FileNotFoundError < span class = "hljs-comment" > # When a file or directory is requested but doesn't exist .< / span >
├── NameError < span class = "hljs-comment" > # Raised when nonexistent name (variable/func/class) is used .< / span >
│ └── UnboundLocalError < span class = "hljs-comment" > # Raised when local name is used before it's being defined .< / span >
├── OSError < span class = "hljs-comment" > # Errors such as FileExistsError/PermissionError (see Open) .< / span >
├── RuntimeError < span class = "hljs-comment" > # Raised by errors that don't fall into other categories.< / span >
├── RuntimeError < span class = "hljs-comment" > # Raised by errors that don't fall into other categories.< / span >
│ └── RecursionError < span class = "hljs-comment" > # Raised when the maximum recursion depth is exceeded.< / span >
│ └── RecursionError < span class = "hljs-comment" > # Raised when the maximum recursion depth is exceeded.< / span >
├── StopIteration < span class = "hljs-comment" > # Raised by next() when run on an empty iterator.< / span >
├── StopIteration < span class = "hljs-comment" > # Raised by next() when run on an empty iterator.< / span >
@ -2067,11 +2067,12 @@ WIKI_URL = <span class="hljs-string">'https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Python_(prog
< / code > < / pre > < / div > < / div >
< / code > < / pre > < / div > < / div >
< div > < h2 id = "web" > < a href = "#web" name = "web" > #< / a > Web< / h2 > < pre > < code class = "python language-python hljs" > < span class = "hljs-comment" > # $ pip3 install bottle< / span >
< div > < h2 id = "web" > < a href = "#web" name = "web" > #< / a > Web< / h2 > < p > < strong > Bottle is a micro web framework/server. If you just want to open a html file in a web browser use < code class = "python hljs" > < span class = "hljs-string" > 'webbrowser.open(< path> )'< / span > < / code > instead.< / strong > < / p > < p re> < code class = "python language-python hljs" > < span class = "hljs-comment" > # $ pip3 install bottle< / span >
< span class = "hljs-keyword" > from< / span > bottle < span class = "hljs-keyword" > import< / span > run, route, static_file, template, post, request, response
< span class = "hljs-keyword" > from< / span > bottle < span class = "hljs-keyword" > import< / span > run, route, static_file, template, post, request, response
< span class = "hljs-keyword" > import< / span > json
< span class = "hljs-keyword" > import< / span > json
< / code > < / pre > < / div >
< / code > < / pre > < / div >
< div > < h3 id = "run" > Run< / h3 > < pre > < code class = "python language-python hljs" > run(host=< span class = "hljs-string" > 'localhost'< / span > , port=< span class = "hljs-number" > 8080< / span > ) < span class = "hljs-comment" > # Runs locally.< / span >
< div > < h3 id = "run" > Run< / h3 > < pre > < code class = "python language-python hljs" > run(host=< span class = "hljs-string" > 'localhost'< / span > , port=< span class = "hljs-number" > 8080< / span > ) < span class = "hljs-comment" > # Runs locally.< / span >
run(host=< span class = "hljs-string" > ''< / span > , port=< span class = "hljs-number" > 80< / span > ) < span class = "hljs-comment" > # Runs globally.< / span >
run(host=< span class = "hljs-string" > ''< / span > , port=< span class = "hljs-number" > 80< / span > ) < span class = "hljs-comment" > # Runs globally.< / span >
< / code > < / pre > < / div >
< / code > < / pre > < / div >