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Python and Libraries Cheatsheet ===============================
Main ---- ``` if __name__ == '__main__': main() ```
Range ----- ```python range(<from inclusive>, <to exclusive>, <step size>) # Negative step for backward. ```
List ---- ```python <list>[<inclusive from>:<exclusive to>:<step size>] ```
Dictionary ---------- ``` <dict>.items() <dict>.get(<key>, <default>) <dict>.setdefault(<key>, <default>) ```
Enumerate --------- ``` for i, <el> in enumerate(<list/dict/set>) ```
Inline ------ ### For
```pythonstub [i+j for i in range(10) for j in range(10) if i+j > 5] ```
### Lambda
``` lambda <arg1>, <arg2>: <return value> ```
String ------
### Print
``` print(<el1>, <el2>, end='', sep='', file=<file>) ```
### Regex
``` import re re.sub(<regex>, <new>, <text>)<regex>, <text>) ```
### Format
``` {:<min width>} -> '<el> ' {:><min width>} -> ' <el>' {:^<min width>} -> ' <el> ' {:_<min width>} -> '<el>____' {:.<max width>} -> '<e>' {:<max widht>.<min width>} -> ' <e>' {:<max width>.<no of decimals>f} -> ' 3.14' ```
Infinity -------- ``` float("inf") ```
Class ----- ### Class
``` class <name>: def __init__(self, <arg>): self.a = <arg> def __repr__(self): return str({'a': self.a}) def __str__(self): return str(self.a) ```
### Enum
``` import enum class <name>(enum.Enum): <value> = <index> ```
### Copy
``` import copy copy.copy(<object>) copy.deepcopy(<object>) ```
Random ------ ``` import random random.random() random.randint(<from inclusive>, <to inclusive>) random.shuffle(<list>) ```
Datetime -------- ``` import datetime now = now.strftime('%Y%m%d') now.strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M%S') ```
System ------
### Arguments
``` import sys sys.argv ```
### Read
``` with open(<filename>, encoding='utf-8') as file: return file.readlines() ```
### Write
``` with open(<filename>, 'w', enconding='utf-8') as file: file.write(<text>) ```
### Execute Command
``` import os os.popen(<command>).read() ```
JSON ---- ``` import json ```
### Read
``` with open(<filename>, encoding='utf-8') as file: return json.load(file) ```
### Write
``` with open(<filename>, 'w', enconding='utf-8') as file: file.write(json.dumps(<object>)) ```
SQLite ------ ``` import sqlite3 db = sqlite3.connect(<filename>) ```
### Read
``` cursor = db.execute(<query>) if cursor: cursor.<fetchone/fetchall>() db.close() ```
### Write
``` db.execute(<query>) db.commit() ```