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- name: Set role and inventory node taint to empty list
role_node_taints: []
inventory_node_taints: []
- name: Node taint for nvidia GPU nodes
role_node_taints: "{{ role_node_taints + [''] }}"
- nvidia_gpu_nodes is defined
- nvidia_accelerator_enabled | bool
- inventory_hostname in nvidia_gpu_nodes
- name: Populate inventory node taint
inventory_node_taints: "{{ inventory_node_taints + ['%s' | format(item)] }}"
loop: "{{ node_taints | d([]) }}"
- node_taints is defined
- node_taints is not string
- node_taints is not mapping
- node_taints is iterable
- debug: # noqa name[missing]
var: role_node_taints
- debug: # noqa name[missing]
var: inventory_node_taints
- name: Set taint to node
command: >-
{{ kubectl }} taint node {{ kube_override_hostname | default(inventory_hostname) }} {{ (role_node_taints + inventory_node_taints) | join(' ') }} --overwrite=true
delegate_to: "{{ groups['kube_control_plane'][0] }}"
changed_when: false
- (role_node_taints + inventory_node_taints) | length > 0