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mkdir -p $(HOME)/.ssh
echo $(PRIVATE_KEY) | base64 -d > $(HOME)/.ssh/id_rsa
chmod 400 $(HOME)/.ssh/id_rsa
init-gce: $(HOME)/.ssh/id_rsa
# echo $(GCE_PEM_FILE) | base64 -d > $(HOME)/.ssh/gce
echo "$(GCE_CREDENTIALS)" > $(HOME)/.ssh/gce.json
init-do: $(HOME)/.ssh/id_rsa
pip install dopy
echo $(DO_PRIVATE_KEY) | base64 -d > $(HOME)/.ssh/id_rsa
create-gce: init-gce
ansible-playbook cloud_playbooks/create-gce.yml -i local_inventory/hosts.cfg -c local \
-e @$(CI_TEST_VARS) \
-e gce_credentials_file=$(HOME)/.ssh/gce.json \
-e gce_project_id=$(GCE_PROJECT_ID) \
-e gce_service_account_email=$(GCE_ACCOUNT) \
-e inventory_path=$(PWD)/../inventory/sample/hosts.ini \
-e test_id=$(TEST_ID) \
-e preemptible=$(GCE_PREEMPTIBLE)
ansible-playbook -i ../inventory/sample/hosts.ini cloud_playbooks/delete-gce.yml -c local \
-e @$(CI_TEST_VARS) \
-e test_id=$(TEST_ID) \
-e gce_project_id=$(GCE_PROJECT_ID) \
-e gce_service_account_email=$(GCE_ACCOUNT) \
-e gce_credentials_file=$(HOME)/.ssh/gce.json \
-e inventory_path=$(PWD)/inventory/sample/hosts.ini
create-do: init-do
ansible-playbook cloud_playbooks/create-do.yml -i tests/local_inventory/hosts.cfg -c local \
-e @$(CI_TEST_VARS) \
-e inventory_path=${PWD}/../inventory/hosts.ini \
-e test_id=${TEST_ID}
ansible-playbook -i ../inventory/sample/hosts.ini tests/cloud_playbooks/create-do.yml -c local \
-e state=absent \
-e test_id=${TEST_ID} \
-e inventory_path=${PWD}/../inventory/inventory.ini \