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- hosts: localhost
become: false
gather_facts: no
state: "present"
ssh_key_id: "6536865"
cloud_machine_type: 2gb
- nyc1
- sfo1
- nyc2
- ams2
- sgp1
- lon1
- nyc3
- ams3
- fra1
- tor1
- sfo2
- blr1
- fedora-24-x64
- centos-5-x64
- centos-5-x32
- fedora-25-x64
- debian-7-x64
- debian-7-x32
- debian-8-x64
- debian-8-x32
- centos-6-x32
- centos-6-x64
- ubuntu-16-10-x32
- ubuntu-16-10-x64
- freebsd-11-0-x64-zfs
- freebsd-10-3-x64-zfs
- ubuntu-12-04-x32
- ubuntu-12-04-x64
- ubuntu-16-04-x64
- ubuntu-16-04-x32
- ubuntu-14-04-x64
- ubuntu-14-04-x32
- centos-7-x64
- freebsd-11-0-x64
- freebsd-10-3-x64
- centos-7-3-1611-x64
mode: default
- name: replace_test_id
test_name: "{{ test_id |regex_replace('\\.', '-') }}"
- name: show vars
debug: msg="{{ cloud_region }}, {{ cloud_image }}"
- name: set instance names
instance_names: >-
{%- if mode in ['separate', 'ha'] -%}
["k8s-{{ test_name }}-1", "k8s-{{ test_name }}-2", "k8s-{{ test_name }}-3"]
{%- else -%}
["k8s-{{ test_name }}-1", "k8s-{{ test_name }}-2"]
{%- endif -%}
- name: Manage DO instances | {{ state }}
unique_name: yes
api_token: "{{ lookup('env','DO_API_TOKEN') }}"
command: "droplet"
image_id: "{{ cloud_image }}"
name: "{{ item }}"
private_networking: no
region_id: "{{ cloud_region }}"
size_id: "{{ cloud_machine_type }}"
ssh_key_ids: "{{ ssh_key_id }}"
state: "{{ state }}"
wait: yes
register: droplets
with_items: "{{ instance_names }}"
- debug: # noqa unnamed-task
msg: "{{ droplets }}, {{ inventory_path }}"
when: state == 'present'
- name: Template the inventory
src: ../templates/inventory-do.j2 # noqa 404 CI templates are not in role_path
dest: "{{ inventory_path }}"
mode: 0644
when: state == 'present'