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Mathieu Parent 58fe1a0ed6
Terraform vsphere cleanup (#9672)
2 years ago
modules/kubernetes-cluster Proposing fixes for contrib/terraform/vsphere/ #8436 (#8441) 3 years ago
sample-inventory Proposing fixes for contrib/terraform/vsphere/ #8436 (#8441) 3 years ago
templates Rename ansible groups to use _ instead of - (#7552) 3 years ago add pre-commit hook to facilitate local testing (#9158) 2 years ago
default.tfvars Proposing fixes for contrib/terraform/vsphere/ #8436 (#8441) 3 years ago Proposing fixes for contrib/terraform/vsphere/ #8436 (#8441) 3 years ago Fixes various issues in vSphere Terraform code (#8178) 3 years ago Terraform vsphere cleanup (#9672) 2 years ago Terraform vsphere cleanup (#9672) 2 years ago

Kubernetes on vSphere with Terraform

Provision a Kubernetes cluster on vSphere using Terraform and Kubespray.


The setup looks like following.

   Kubernetes cluster
|   +--------------+    |
|   | +--------------+  |
|   | |              |  |
|   | | Master/etcd  |  |
|   | | node(s)      |  |
|   +-+              |  |
|     +--------------+  |
|           ^           |
|           |           |
|           v           |
|   +--------------+    |
|   | +--------------+  |
|   | |              |  |
|   | |    Worker    |  |
|   | |    node(s)   |  |
|   +-+              |  |
|     +--------------+  |


This setup assumes that the DHCP is disabled in the vSphere cluster and IP addresses have to be provided in the configuration file.


  • Terraform 0.13.0 or newer (0.12 also works if you modify the provider block to include version and remove all files)


NOTE: Assumes you are at the root of the kubespray repo

Copy the sample inventory for your cluster and copy the default terraform variables.

cp -r inventory/sample inventory/$CLUSTER
cp contrib/terraform/vsphere/default.tfvars inventory/$CLUSTER/
cd inventory/$CLUSTER

Edit default.tfvars to match your setup. You MUST set values specific for you network and vSphere cluster.

# Ensure $EDITOR points to your favorite editor, e.g., vim, emacs, VS Code, etc.
$EDITOR default.tfvars

For authentication in your vSphere cluster you can use the environment variables.

export TF_VAR_vsphere_user=username
export TF_VAR_vsphere_password=password

Run Terraform to create the infrastructure.

terraform init ../../contrib/terraform/vsphere
terraform apply \
    -var-file default.tfvars \
    -state=tfstate-$CLUSTER.tfstate \

You should now have a inventory file named inventory.ini that you can use with kubespray. You can now copy your inventory file and use it with kubespray to set up a cluster. You can type terraform output to find out the IP addresses of the nodes.

It is a good idea to check that you have basic SSH connectivity to the nodes. You can do that by:

ansible -i inventory.ini -m ping all

Example to use this with the default sample inventory:

ansible-playbook -i inventory.ini ../../cluster.yml -b -v



  • machines: Machines to provision. Key of this object will be used as the name of the machine
    • node_type: The role of this node (master|worker)
    • ip: The IP address of the machine
    • netmask: The netmask to use (to be used on the right hand side in CIDR notation, e.g., 24)
  • network: The name of the network to attach the machines to
  • gateway: The IP address of the network gateway
  • vsphere_datacenter: The identifier of vSphere data center
  • vsphere_compute_cluster: The identifier of vSphere compute cluster
  • vsphere_datastore: The identifier of vSphere data store
  • vsphere_server: This is the vCenter server name or address for vSphere API operations.
  • ssh_public_keys: List of public SSH keys to install on all machines
  • template_name: The name of a base image (the OVF template be defined in vSphere beforehand)


  • folder: Name of the folder to put all machines in (default: "")
  • prefix: Prefix to use for all resources, required to be unique for all clusters in the same project (default: "k8s")
  • inventory_file: Name of the generated inventory file for Kubespray to use in the Ansible step (default: inventory.ini)
  • dns_primary: The IP address of primary DNS server (default:
  • dns_secondary: The IP address of secondary DNS server (default:
  • firmware: Firmware to use (default: bios)
  • hardware_version: The version of the hardware (default: 15)
  • master_cores: The number of CPU cores for the master nodes (default: 4)
  • master_memory: The amount of RAM for the master nodes in MB (default: 4096)
  • master_disk_size: The amount of disk space for the master nodes in GB (default: 20)
  • worker_cores: The number of CPU cores for the worker nodes (default: 16)
  • worker_memory: The amount of RAM for the worker nodes in MB (default: 8192)
  • worker_disk_size: The amount of disk space for the worker nodes in GB (default: 100)
  • vapp: Boolean to set the template type to vapp. (Default: false)
  • interface_name: Name of the interface to configure. (Default: ens192)

An example variables file can be found default.tfvars