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- name: check_etcd | Check if etcd is up and reachable
url: "{{ vault_etcd_url }}/health"
validate_certs: no
return_content: yes
until: vault_etcd_health_check.status == 200 or vault_etcd_health_check.status == 401
retries: 10
delay: 2
delegate_to: "{{groups['etcd'][0]}}"
run_once: true
failed_when: false
register: vault_etcd_health_check
- name: check_etcd | Set fact based off the etcd_health_check response
vault_etcd_available: "{{ vault_etcd_health_check.content }}"
- set_fact:
vault_etcd_available: "{{|d()|bool }}"
- name: check_etcd | Fail if etcd is not available and needed
msg: >
Unable to start Vault cluster! Etcd is not available at
{{ vault_etcd_url }} however it is needed by Vault as a backend.
when: vault_etcd_needed|d() and not vault_etcd_available