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936 B

Role Name

This role is intended to be used to fetch and deploy Helm Charts as part of cluster installation or upgrading with kubespray.


The role needs to be executed on a host with access to the Kubernetes API, and with the helm binary in place.

Role Variables

See meta/argument_specs.yml

Playbook example:

- hosts: kube_control_plane[0]
  gather_facts: no
    - name: helm-apps
        - name: app
          namespace: app
          chart_ref: simple-app/simple-app
        - name: app2
          namespace: app
          chart_ref: simple-app/simple-app
          wait_timeout: "10m" # override the same option in `release_common_opts`
      repositories: "{{ repos }}"
        - repo_name: simple-app
          repo_url: ""
      release_common_opts: "{{ helm_params }}"
        wait_timeout: "5m"