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debian: &DEBIAN
image: "debian:9.5"
user: "debian"
pid1_exe: /lib/systemd/systemd
init: |
sh -c "apt-get -qy update && apt-get -qy install systemd-sysv dbus && exec /sbin/init"
raw_setup: apt-get -qy update && apt-get -qy install dbus python sudo iproute2
raw_setup_done: test -x /usr/bin/sudo
agetty_svc: getty@*
ssh_service: ssh
extra_packages: []
image: "ubuntu:16.04"
user: "ubuntu"
init: |
centos: &CENTOS
image: "centos:7"
user: "centos"
pid1_exe: /usr/lib/systemd/systemd
init: |
raw_setup: yum -qy install policycoreutils dbus python sudo iproute iptables
raw_setup_done: test -x /usr/bin/sudo
agetty_svc: getty@* serial-getty@*
ssh_service: sshd
extra_packages: []
image: "fedora:latest"
user: "fedora"
raw_setup: yum -qy install policycoreutils dbus python sudo iproute iptables; mkdir -p /etc/modules-load.d
- hostname
- procps
- findutils
- kmod
- iputils