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- name: Provision Google Cloud VMs
hosts: localhost
become: false
gather_facts: no
cloud_machine_type: g1-small
mode: default
preemptible: no
ci_job_name: "{{ lookup('env', 'CI_JOB_NAME') }}"
delete_group_vars: no
- name: Include vars for test {{ ci_job_name }}
include_vars: "../files/{{ ci_job_name }}.yml"
- name: Replace_test_id
test_name: "{{ test_id | regex_replace('\\.', '-') }}"
- name: Set instance names
# noqa: jinja[spacing]
instance_names: >-
{%- if mode in ['separate', 'separate-scale', 'ha', 'ha-scale'] -%}
k8s-{{ test_name }}-1,k8s-{{ test_name }}-2,k8s-{{ test_name }}-3
{%- elif mode == 'all-in-one' -%}
k8s-{{ test_name }}-1
{%- else -%}
k8s-{{ test_name }}-1,k8s-{{ test_name }}-2
{%- endif -%}
- name: Create gce instances # noqa args[module] - Probably doesn't work
instance_names: "{{ instance_names }}"
machine_type: "{{ cloud_machine_type }}"
image: "{{ cloud_image | default(omit) }}"
image_family: "{{ cloud_image_family | default(omit) }}"
preemptible: "{{ preemptible }}"
service_account_email: "{{ gce_service_account_email }}"
pem_file: "{{ gce_pem_file | default(omit) }}"
credentials_file: "{{ gce_credentials_file | default(omit) }}"
project_id: "{{ gce_project_id }}"
zone: "{{ cloud_region }}"
metadata: '{"test_id": "{{ test_id }}", "network": "{{ kube_network_plugin }}", "startup-script": "{{ startup_script | default("") }}"}'
tags: "build-{{ test_name }},{{ kube_network_plugin }}"
ip_forward: yes
service_account_permissions: ['compute-rw']
register: gce
- name: Add instances to host group
hostname: "{{ item.public_ip }}"
groupname: "waitfor_hosts"
with_items: '{{ gce.instance_data }}'
- name: Template the inventory # noqa no-relative-paths - CI inventory templates are not in role_path
src: ../templates/inventory-gce.j2
dest: "{{ inventory_path }}"
mode: 0644
- name: Make group_vars directory
path: "{{ inventory_path | dirname }}/group_vars"
state: directory
mode: 0755
when: mode in ['scale', 'separate-scale', 'ha-scale']
- name: Template fake hosts group vars # noqa no-relative-paths - CI templates are not in role_path
src: ../templates/fake_hosts.yml.j2
dest: "{{ inventory_path | dirname }}/group_vars/fake_hosts.yml"
mode: 0644
when: mode in ['scale', 'separate-scale', 'ha-scale']
- name: Delete group_vars directory
path: "{{ inventory_path | dirname }}/group_vars"
state: absent
recurse: yes
when: delete_group_vars