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- name: ensure containerd repository public key is installed
id: "{{ item }}"
url: "{{ containerd_repo_key_info.url }}"
state: present
register: keyserver_task_result
until: keyserver_task_result is succeeded
retries: 4
delay: "{{ retry_stagger | d(3) }}"
with_items: "{{ containerd_repo_key_info.repo_keys }}"
environment: "{{ proxy_env }}"
when: ansible_pkg_mgr == 'apt'
- name: ensure containerd repository is enabled
repo: "{{ item }}"
state: present
with_items: "{{ containerd_repo_info.repos }}"
when: ansible_pkg_mgr == 'apt'
- name: Configure containerd repository on Fedora
src: "fedora_containerd.repo.j2"
dest: "{{ yum_repo_dir }}/containerd.repo"
mode: 0644
when: ansible_distribution == "Fedora"
- name: Configure containerd repository on RedHat/OracleLinux/CentOS/AlmaLinux
src: "rh_containerd.repo.j2"
dest: "{{ yum_repo_dir }}/containerd.repo"
mode: 0644
- ansible_os_family == "RedHat"
- ansible_distribution not in ["Fedora", "Amazon"]