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27 lines
622 B

output "bastion_ip" {
value = join("\n", aws_instance.bastion-server.*.public_ip)
output "masters" {
value = join("\n", aws_instance.k8s-master.*.private_ip)
output "workers" {
value = join("\n", aws_instance.k8s-worker.*.private_ip)
output "etcd" {
value = join("\n", ((var.aws_etcd_num > 0) ? (aws_instance.k8s-etcd.*.private_ip) : (aws_instance.k8s-master.*.private_ip)))
output "aws_elb_api_fqdn" {
value = "${}:${var.aws_elb_api_port}"
output "inventory" {
value = data.template_file.inventory.rendered
output "default_tags" {
value = var.default_tags