![Kubespray Logo](http://s9.postimg.org/md5dyjl67/kubespray_logoandkubespray_small.png) ##Deploy a production ready kubernetes cluster If you have questions, you can [invite yourself](https://slack.kubespray.io/) to **chat** with us on Slack! [![SlackStatus](https://slack.kubespray.io/badge.svg)](https://kubespray.slack.com) - Can be deployed on **AWS, GCE, OpenStack or Baremetal** - **High available** cluster - **Composable** (Choice of the network plugin for instance) - Support most popular **Linux distributions** - **Continuous integration tests** To deploy the cluster you can use : [**kargo-cli**](https://github.com/kubespray/kargo-cli)
**Ansible** usual commands
**vagrant** by simply running `vagrant up` (for tests purposes)
* [Requirements](#requirements) * [Getting started](docs/getting-started.md) * [Vagrant install](docs/vagrant.md) * [CoreOS bootstrap](docs/coreos.md) * [Ansible variables](docs/ansible.md) * [Cloud providers](docs/cloud.md) * [Openstack](docs/openstack.md) * [Network plugins](#network-plugins) Supported Linux distributions =============== * **CoreOS** * **Debian** Wheezy, Jessie * **Ubuntu** 14.10, 15.04, 15.10, 16.04 * **Fedora** 23 * **CentOS/RHEL** 7 Versions -------------- [kubernetes](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/releases) v1.3.0
[etcd](https://github.com/coreos/etcd/releases) v3.0.1
[calicoctl](https://github.com/projectcalico/calico-docker/releases) v0.20.0
[flanneld](https://github.com/coreos/flannel/releases) v0.5.5
[weave](http://weave.works/) v1.5.0
[docker](https://www.docker.com/) v1.10.3
Requirements -------------- * The target servers must have **access to the Internet** in order to pull docker images. * The **firewalls are not managed**, you'll need to implement your own rules the way you used to. in order to avoid any issue during deployment you should disable your firewall * **Copy your ssh keys** to all the servers part of your inventory. * **Ansible v2.x and python-netaddr** ## Network plugins You can choose between 3 network plugins. (default: `flannel` with vxlan backend) * [**flannel**](docs/flannel.md): gre/vxlan (layer 2) networking. * [**calico**](docs/calico.md): bgp (layer 3) networking. * **weave**: Weave is a lightweight container overlay network that doesn't require an external K/V database cluster.
(Please refer to `weave` [troubleshooting documentation](http://docs.weave.works/weave/latest_release/troubleshooting.html)) The choice is defined with the variable `kube_network_plugin` [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/kubespray/kargo.svg)](https://travis-ci.org/kubespray/kargo)
CI tests sponsored by Google (GCE), and [teuto.net](https://teuto.net/) for OpenStack.