# NTP synchronization The Network Time Protocol (NTP) is a networking protocol for clock synchronization between computer systems. Time synchronization is important to Kubernetes and Etcd. ## Enable the NTP To start the ntpd(or chrony) service and enable it at system boot. There are related specific variables: ```ShellSession ntp_enabled: true ``` The NTP service would be enabled and sync time automatically. ## Customize the NTP configure file In the Air-Gap environment, the node cannot access the NTP server by internet. So the node can use the customized ntp server by configuring ntp file. ```ShellSession ntp_enabled: true ntp_manage_config: true ntp_servers: - "0.your-ntp-server.org iburst" - "1.your-ntp-server.org iburst" - "2.your-ntp-server.org iburst" - "3.your-ntp-server.org iburst" ``` ## Setting the TimeZone The timezone can also be set by the `ntp_timezone` , eg: "Etc/UTC","Asia/Shanghai". If not set, the timezone will not change. ```ShellSession ntp_enabled: true ntp_timezone: Etc/UTC ``` ## Advanced Configure Enable `tinker panic` is useful when running NTP in a VM environment to avoiding clock drift on VMs. It only takes effect when ntp_manage_config is true. ```ShellSession ntp_tinker_panic: true ``` Force sync time immediately by NTP after the ntp installed, which is useful in newly installed system. ```ShellSession ntp_force_sync_immediately: true ``` When using Ubuntu 24.04 or a distribution that already has `systemd-timesyncd` installed, use the `ntpsec` package. ```ShellSession ntp_package: ntpsec ```