--- parseable: true skip_list: # see https://docs.ansible.com/ansible-lint/rules/default_rules.html for a list of all default rules # DO NOT add any other rules to this skip_list, instead use local `# noqa` with a comment explaining WHY it is necessary # These rules are intentionally skipped: # # [role-name] "meta/main.yml" Role name role-name does not match ``^+$`` pattern # Meta roles in Kubespray don't need proper names # (Disabled in June 2021) - 'role-name' # [var-naming] "defaults/main.yml" File defines variable 'apiVersion' that violates variable naming standards # In Kubespray we use variables that use camelCase to match their k8s counterparts # (Disabled in June 2021) - 'var-naming' # [fqcn-builtins] # Roles in kubespray don't need fully qualified collection names # (Disabled in Feb 2023) - 'fqcn-builtins' # We use template in names - 'name[template]' # No changed-when on commands # (Disabled in June 2023 after ansible upgrade; FIXME) - 'no-changed-when' # Disable run-once check with free strategy # (Disabled in June 2023 after ansible upgrade; FIXME) - 'run-once[task]' exclude_paths: # Generated files - tests/files/custom_cni/cilium.yaml - venv - .github - .ansible mock_modules: - gluster.gluster.gluster_volume