# -*- mode: ruby -*- # # vi: set ft=ruby : # For help on using kubespray with vagrant, check out docs/developers/vagrant.md require 'fileutils' Vagrant.require_version ">= 2.0.0" CONFIG = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), ENV['KUBESPRAY_VAGRANT_CONFIG'] || 'vagrant/config.rb') FLATCAR_URL_TEMPLATE = "https://%s.release.flatcar-linux.net/amd64-usr/current/flatcar_production_vagrant.json" # Uniq disk UUID for libvirt DISK_UUID = Time.now.utc.to_i SUPPORTED_OS = { "flatcar-stable" => {box: "flatcar-stable", user: "core", box_url: FLATCAR_URL_TEMPLATE % ["stable"]}, "flatcar-beta" => {box: "flatcar-beta", user: "core", box_url: FLATCAR_URL_TEMPLATE % ["beta"]}, "flatcar-alpha" => {box: "flatcar-alpha", user: "core", box_url: FLATCAR_URL_TEMPLATE % ["alpha"]}, "flatcar-edge" => {box: "flatcar-edge", user: "core", box_url: FLATCAR_URL_TEMPLATE % ["edge"]}, "ubuntu2004" => {box: "generic/ubuntu2004", user: "vagrant"}, "ubuntu2204" => {box: "generic/ubuntu2204", user: "vagrant"}, "ubuntu2404" => {box: "bento/ubuntu-24.04", user: "vagrant"}, "centos8" => {box: "centos/8", user: "vagrant"}, "centos8-bento" => {box: "bento/centos-8", user: "vagrant"}, "almalinux8" => {box: "almalinux/8", user: "vagrant"}, "almalinux8-bento" => {box: "bento/almalinux-8", user: "vagrant"}, "almalinux9" => {box: "almalinux/9", user: "vagrant"}, "rockylinux8" => {box: "rockylinux/8", user: "vagrant"}, "rockylinux9" => {box: "rockylinux/9", user: "vagrant"}, "fedora39" => {box: "fedora/39-cloud-base", user: "vagrant"}, "fedora40" => {box: "fedora/40-cloud-base", user: "vagrant"}, "fedora39-arm64" => {box: "bento/fedora-39-arm64", user: "vagrant"}, "fedora40-arm64" => {box: "bento/fedora-40", user: "vagrant"}, "opensuse" => {box: "opensuse/Leap-15.4.x86_64", user: "vagrant"}, "opensuse-tumbleweed" => {box: "opensuse/Tumbleweed.x86_64", user: "vagrant"}, "oraclelinux" => {box: "generic/oracle7", user: "vagrant"}, "oraclelinux8" => {box: "generic/oracle8", user: "vagrant"}, "rhel8" => {box: "generic/rhel8", user: "vagrant"}, "debian11" => {box: "debian/bullseye64", user: "vagrant"}, "debian12" => {box: "debian/bookworm64", user: "vagrant"}, } if File.exist?(CONFIG) require CONFIG end # Defaults for config options defined in CONFIG $num_instances ||= 3 $instance_name_prefix ||= "k8s" $vm_gui ||= false $vm_memory ||= 2048 $vm_cpus ||= 2 $shared_folders ||= {} $forwarded_ports ||= {} $subnet ||= "172.18.8" $subnet_ipv6 ||= "fd3c:b398:0698:0756" $os ||= "ubuntu2004" $network_plugin ||= "flannel" $inventories ||= [] # Setting multi_networking to true will install Multus: https://github.com/k8snetworkplumbingwg/multus-cni $multi_networking ||= "False" $download_run_once ||= "True" $download_force_cache ||= "False" # The first three nodes are etcd servers $etcd_instances ||= [$num_instances, 3].min # The first two nodes are kube masters $kube_master_instances ||= [$num_instances, 2].min # All nodes are kube nodes $kube_node_instances ||= $num_instances # The following only works when using the libvirt provider $kube_node_instances_with_disks ||= false $kube_node_instances_with_disks_size ||= "20G" $kube_node_instances_with_disks_number ||= 2 $override_disk_size ||= false $disk_size ||= "20GB" $local_path_provisioner_enabled ||= "False" $local_path_provisioner_claim_root ||= "/opt/local-path-provisioner/" $libvirt_nested ||= false # boolean or string (e.g. "-vvv") $ansible_verbosity ||= false $ansible_tags ||= ENV['VAGRANT_ANSIBLE_TAGS'] || "" $vagrant_dir ||= File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), ".vagrant") $playbook ||= "cluster.yml" $extra_vars ||= {} host_vars = {} # throw error if os is not supported if ! SUPPORTED_OS.key?($os) puts "Unsupported OS: #{$os}" puts "Supported OS are: #{SUPPORTED_OS.keys.join(', ')}" exit 1 end $box = SUPPORTED_OS[$os][:box] if Vagrant.has_plugin?("vagrant-proxyconf") $no_proxy = ENV['NO_PROXY'] || ENV['no_proxy'] || ",localhost" (1..$num_instances).each do |i| $no_proxy += ",#{$subnet}.#{i+100}" end end Vagrant.configure("2") do |config| config.vm.box = $box if SUPPORTED_OS[$os].has_key? :box_url config.vm.box_url = SUPPORTED_OS[$os][:box_url] end config.ssh.username = SUPPORTED_OS[$os][:user] # plugin conflict if Vagrant.has_plugin?("vagrant-vbguest") then config.vbguest.auto_update = false end # always use Vagrants insecure key config.ssh.insert_key = false if ($override_disk_size) unless Vagrant.has_plugin?("vagrant-disksize") system "vagrant plugin install vagrant-disksize" end config.disksize.size = $disk_size end (1..$num_instances).each do |i| config.vm.define vm_name = "%s-%01d" % [$instance_name_prefix, i] do |node| node.vm.hostname = vm_name if Vagrant.has_plugin?("vagrant-proxyconf") node.proxy.http = ENV['HTTP_PROXY'] || ENV['http_proxy'] || "" node.proxy.https = ENV['HTTPS_PROXY'] || ENV['https_proxy'] || "" node.proxy.no_proxy = $no_proxy end ["vmware_fusion", "vmware_workstation"].each do |vmware| node.vm.provider vmware do |v| v.vmx['memsize'] = $vm_memory v.vmx['numvcpus'] = $vm_cpus end end node.vm.provider :virtualbox do |vb| vb.memory = $vm_memory vb.cpus = $vm_cpus vb.gui = $vm_gui vb.linked_clone = true vb.customize ["modifyvm", :id, "--vram", "8"] # ubuntu defaults to 256 MB which is a waste of precious RAM vb.customize ["modifyvm", :id, "--audio", "none"] end node.vm.provider :libvirt do |lv| lv.nested = $libvirt_nested lv.cpu_mode = "host-model" lv.memory = $vm_memory lv.cpus = $vm_cpus lv.default_prefix = 'kubespray' # Fix kernel panic on fedora 28 if $os == "fedora" lv.cpu_mode = "host-passthrough" end end if $kube_node_instances_with_disks # Libvirt driverletters = ('a'..'z').to_a node.vm.provider :libvirt do |lv| # always make /dev/sd{a/b/c} so that CI can ensure that # virtualbox and libvirt will have the same devices to use for OSDs (1..$kube_node_instances_with_disks_number).each do |d| lv.storage :file, :device => "hd#{driverletters[d]}", :path => "disk-#{i}-#{d}-#{DISK_UUID}.disk", :size => $kube_node_instances_with_disks_size, :bus => "scsi" end end node.vm.provider :virtualbox do |vb| # always make /dev/sd{a/b/c} so that CI can ensure that # virtualbox and libvirt will have the same devices to use for OSDs (1..$kube_node_instances_with_disks_number).each do |d| vb.customize ['createhd', '--filename', "disk-#{i}-#{driverletters[d]}-#{DISK_UUID}.disk", '--size', $kube_node_instances_with_disks_size] # 10GB disk vb.customize ['storageattach', :id, '--storagectl', 'SATA Controller', '--port', d, '--device', 0, '--type', 'hdd', '--medium', "disk-#{i}-#{driverletters[d]}-#{DISK_UUID}.disk", '--nonrotational', 'on', '--mtype', 'normal'] end end end if $expose_docker_tcp node.vm.network "forwarded_port", guest: 2375, host: ($expose_docker_tcp + i - 1), auto_correct: true end $forwarded_ports.each do |guest, host| node.vm.network "forwarded_port", guest: guest, host: host, auto_correct: true end if ["rhel8"].include? $os # Vagrant synced_folder rsync options cannot be used for RHEL boxes as Rsync package cannot # be installed until the host is registered with a valid Red Hat support subscription node.vm.synced_folder ".", "/vagrant", disabled: false $shared_folders.each do |src, dst| node.vm.synced_folder src, dst end else node.vm.synced_folder ".", "/vagrant", disabled: false, type: "rsync", rsync__args: ['--verbose', '--archive', '--delete', '-z'] , rsync__exclude: ['.git','venv'] $shared_folders.each do |src, dst| node.vm.synced_folder src, dst, type: "rsync", rsync__args: ['--verbose', '--archive', '--delete', '-z'] end end ip = "#{$subnet}.#{i+100}" ip6 = "#{$subnet_ipv6}::#{i+100}" node.vm.network :private_network, :ip => ip, :libvirt__guest_ipv6 => 'yes', :libvirt__ipv6_address => ip6, :libvirt__ipv6_prefix => "64", :libvirt__forward_mode => "none", :libvirt__dhcp_enabled => false # libvirt__ipv6_address does not work as intended, the address is obtained with the desired prefix, but auto-generated(like fd3c:b398:698:756:5054:ff:fe48:c61e/64) # add default route for detect ansible_default_ipv6 # TODO: fix libvirt__ipv6 or use $subnet in shell config.vm.provision "shell", inline: "ip -6 r a fd3c:b398:698:756::/64 dev eth1;ip -6 r add default via fd3c:b398:0698:0756::1 dev eth1 || true" # Disable swap for each vm node.vm.provision "shell", inline: "swapoff -a" # ubuntu2004 and ubuntu2204 have IPv6 explicitly disabled. This undoes that. if ["ubuntu2004", "ubuntu2204"].include? $os node.vm.provision "shell", inline: "rm -f /etc/modprobe.d/local.conf" node.vm.provision "shell", inline: "sed -i '/net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6/d' /etc/sysctl.d/99-sysctl.conf /etc/sysctl.conf" end # Hack for fedora39/40 to get the IP address of the second interface if ["fedora39", "fedora40", "fedora39-arm64", "fedora40-arm64"].include? $os config.vm.provision "shell", inline: <<-SHELL nmcli conn modify 'Wired connection 2' ipv4.addresses $(cat /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth1 | grep IPADDR | cut -d "=" -f2)/24 nmcli conn modify 'Wired connection 2' ipv4.method manual service NetworkManager restart SHELL end # Rockylinux boxes needs UEFI if ["rockylinux8", "rockylinux9"].include? $os config.vm.provider "libvirt" do |domain| domain.loader = "/usr/share/OVMF/x64/OVMF_CODE.fd" end end # Disable firewalld on oraclelinux/redhat vms if ["oraclelinux","oraclelinux8", "rhel8","rockylinux8"].include? $os node.vm.provision "shell", inline: "systemctl stop firewalld; systemctl disable firewalld" end host_vars[vm_name] = { "ip": ip, "flannel_interface": "eth1", "kube_network_plugin": $network_plugin, "kube_network_plugin_multus": $multi_networking, "download_run_once": $download_run_once, "download_localhost": "False", "download_cache_dir": ENV['HOME'] + "/kubespray_cache", # Make kubespray cache even when download_run_once is false "download_force_cache": $download_force_cache, # Keeping the cache on the nodes can improve provisioning speed while debugging kubespray "download_keep_remote_cache": "False", "docker_rpm_keepcache": "1", # These two settings will put kubectl and admin.config in $inventory/artifacts "kubeconfig_localhost": "True", "kubectl_localhost": "True", "local_path_provisioner_enabled": "#{$local_path_provisioner_enabled}", "local_path_provisioner_claim_root": "#{$local_path_provisioner_claim_root}", "ansible_ssh_user": SUPPORTED_OS[$os][:user], "ansible_ssh_private_key_file": File.join(Dir.home, ".vagrant.d", "insecure_private_key"), "unsafe_show_logs": "True" } # Only execute the Ansible provisioner once, when all the machines are up and ready. # And limit the action to gathering facts, the full playbook is going to be ran by testcases_run.sh if i == $num_instances node.vm.provision "ansible" do |ansible| ansible.playbook = $playbook ansible.compatibility_mode = "2.0" ansible.verbose = $ansible_verbosity ansible.become = true ansible.limit = "all,localhost" ansible.host_key_checking = false ansible.raw_arguments = ["--forks=#{$num_instances}", "--flush-cache", "-e ansible_become_pass=vagrant"] + $inventories.map {|inv| ["-i", inv]}.flatten ansible.host_vars = host_vars ansible.extra_vars = $extra_vars if $ansible_tags != "" ansible.tags = [$ansible_tags] end ansible.groups = { "etcd" => ["#{$instance_name_prefix}-[1:#{$etcd_instances}]"], "kube_control_plane" => ["#{$instance_name_prefix}-[1:#{$kube_master_instances}]"], "kube_node" => ["#{$instance_name_prefix}-[1:#{$kube_node_instances}]"], "k8s_cluster:children" => ["kube_control_plane", "kube_node"], } end end end end end