# Kubernetes on Azure with Azure Resource Group Templates Provision the base infrastructure for a Kubernetes cluster by using [Azure Resource Group Templates](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/azure-resource-manager/resource-group-authoring-templates) ## Status This will provision the base infrastructure (vnet, vms, nics, ips, ...) needed for Kubernetes in Azure into the specified Resource Group. It will not install Kubernetes itself, this has to be done in a later step by yourself (using kubespray of course). ## Requirements - [Install azure-cli](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/cli/azure/install-azure-cli?view=azure-cli-latest) - [Login with azure-cli](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/cli/azure/authenticate-azure-cli?view=azure-cli-latest) - Dedicated Resource Group created in the Azure Portal or through azure-cli ## Configuration through group_vars/all You have to modify at least two variables in group_vars/all. The one is the **cluster_name** variable, it must be globally unique due to some restrictions in Azure. The other one is the **ssh_public_keys** variable, it must be your ssh public key to access your azure virtual machines. Most other variables should be self explanatory if you have some basic Kubernetes experience. ## Bastion host You can enable the use of a Bastion Host by changing **use_bastion** in group_vars/all to **true**. The generated templates will then include an additional bastion VM which can then be used to connect to the masters and nodes. The option also removes all public IPs from all other VMs. ## Generating and applying To generate and apply the templates, call: ```shell ./apply-rg.sh ``` If you change something in the configuration (e.g. number of nodes) later, you can call this again and Azure will take care about creating/modifying whatever is needed. ## Clearing a resource group If you need to delete all resources from a resource group, simply call: ```shell ./clear-rg.sh ``` **WARNING** this really deletes everything from your resource group, including everything that was later created by you! ## Installing Ansible and the dependencies Install Ansible according to [Ansible installation guide](/docs/ansible/ansible.md#installing-ansible) ## Generating an inventory for kubespray After you have applied the templates, you can generate an inventory with this call: ```shell ./generate-inventory.sh ``` It will create the file ./inventory which can then be used with kubespray, e.g.: ```shell cd kubespray-root-dir ansible-playbook -i contrib/azurerm/inventory -u devops --become -e "@inventory/sample/group_vars/all/all.yml" cluster.yml ```