* Migrate node-role.kubernetes.io/master to node-role.kubernetes.io/control-plane
* Migrate node-role.kubernetes.io/master to node-role.kubernetes.io/control-plane
* Migrate node-role.kubernetes.io/master to node-role.kubernetes.io/control-plane
* project: fix var-spacing ansible rule
Signed-off-by: Arthur Outhenin-Chalandre <arthur.outhenin-chalandre@proton.ch>
* project: fix spacing on the beginning/end of jinja template
Signed-off-by: Arthur Outhenin-Chalandre <arthur.outhenin-chalandre@proton.ch>
* project: fix spacing of default filter
Signed-off-by: Arthur Outhenin-Chalandre <arthur.outhenin-chalandre@proton.ch>
* project: fix spacing between filter arguments
Signed-off-by: Arthur Outhenin-Chalandre <arthur.outhenin-chalandre@proton.ch>
* project: fix double space at beginning/end of jinja
Signed-off-by: Arthur Outhenin-Chalandre <arthur.outhenin-chalandre@proton.ch>
* project: fix remaining jinja[spacing] ansible-lint warning
Signed-off-by: Arthur Outhenin-Chalandre <arthur.outhenin-chalandre@proton.ch>
Signed-off-by: Arthur Outhenin-Chalandre <arthur.outhenin-chalandre@proton.ch>
* Added new configuration item for extra tolerations in policy controllers
Signed-off-by: Sébastien Masset <smt.masset@gmail.com>
* Added new configuration item for extra tolerations in DNS autoscaler
Signed-off-by: Sébastien Masset <smt.masset@gmail.com>
* Aligned existing handling of extra DNS tolerations
Signed-off-by: Sébastien Masset <smt.masset@gmail.com>
Both kubedns and dnsmasq modes are long not maintained.
We should run dns_late steps at the end because sshd
makes DNS lookups during Ansible run and has 2s timeouts
for each failed lookup trying to connect to coredns before
it is ready.
* Upgrade kubernetes to v1.13.0
* Remove all precense of scheduler.alpha.kubernetes.io/critical-pod in templates
* Fix cert dir
* Use kubespray v2.8 as baseline for gitlab
* Enable AutoScaler for CoreDNS
* Only use one template for dns autoscaler
* Rename a few variables for replicas and minimum pods
* Rename a few variables for replicas and minimum pods
* Remove replicas to make autoscale work
* Cleanup kubedns-autoscaler as it has been renamed
* failed
* version_compare
* succeeded
* skipped
* success
* version_compare becomes version since ansible 2.5
* ansible minimal version updated in doc and spec
* last version_compare
* Changes to assign pod priority to kube components.
* Removed the boolean flag pod_priority_assignment
* Created new priorityclass k8s-cluster-critical
* Created new priorityclass k8s-cluster-critical
* Fixed the trailing spaces
* Fixed the trailing spaces
* Added kube version check while creating Priority Class k8s-cluster-critical
* Moved k8s-cluster-critical.yml
* Moved k8s-cluster-critical.yml to kube_config_dir
ensure there is pin priority for docker package to avoid upgrade of docker to incompatible version
remove empty when line
ensure there is pin priority for docker package to avoid upgrade of docker to incompatible version
force kubeadm upgrade due to failure without --force flag
ensure there is pin priority for docker package to avoid upgrade of docker to incompatible version
added nodeSelector to have compatibility with hybrid cluster with win nodes, also fix for download with missing container type
fixes in syntax and LF for newline in files
fix on yamllint check
ensure there is pin priority for docker package to avoid upgrade of docker to incompatible version
some cleanup for innecesary lines
remove conditions for nodeselector
* kubedns & kubedns-autoscaler: Stick to master nodes.
- Tolerate only master nodes and not any NoSchedule taint
- Pods are on different nodes
- Pods are required to be on a master node.
* kubedns: use soft nodeAffinity.
Prefer to be on a master node, don't require.
* coredns: Stick to (different) master nodes.
- Pods are on different nodes
- Pods are preferred to be on a master node.
* Use kubectl apply instead of create/replace
Disable checks for existing resources to speed up execution.
* Fix non-rbac deployment of resources as a list
* Fix autoscaler tolerations field
* set all kube resources to state=latest
* Update netchecker and weave
* Adding yaml linter to ci check
* Minor linting fixes from yamllint
* Changing CI to install python pkgs from requirements.txt
- adding in a secondary requirements.txt for tests
- moving yamllint to tests requirements
By default kubedns and dnsmasq scale when installed.
Dnsmasq is no longer a daemonset. It is now a deployment.
Kubedns is no longer a replicationcluster. It is now a deployment.
Minimum replicas is two (to enable rolling updates).
Reduced memory erquirements for dnsmasq and kubedns