ingress-nginx 0.16.2 (
This patch simplify ingress-nginx deployment by default deploy on
master, with customizable options; on the other hand, remove the
additional Ansible group "kube-ingress" and its k8s node label
Reference to
GCE/Google Kubernetes Engine deploys an ingress controller on the master.
By changing `ingress_nginx_nodeselector` plus custom k8s node
label, user could customize the DaemonSet deployment target.
If `ingress_nginx_nodeselector` is empty, will deploy DaemonSet on
every k8s node.
This allows you to simply run `vagrant up` to get a 3 node HA cluster.
* Creates a dynamic inventory and uses the inventory/group_vars/all.yml
* commented lines in inventory.example so that ansible doesn't try to use it.
* added requirements.txt to give easy way to install ansible/ipaddr
* added gitignore files to stop attempts to save unwated files
* changed `Check if kube-system exists` to `failed_when: false` instead of