* Docs: update sidebar * Docs: move registry documentation into docs/ * Docs: move rbd_provisioner documentation into docs/ * Docs: move cephfs_provisioner into docs/ * Docs: move local_volume_provisioner documentation into docs/ * Docs: move ambassador.md to docs/ingress_controller/ * Docs: move metallb.md to docs/ingress_controller/ * Docs: move ingress_nginx documentation into docs/ * Docs: move alb_ingress_controller documentation into docs/ * Docs: merge ambassador documentation into docs/ingress_controller/ * Docs: move cert_manager documentation into docs/ * Docs: move bootstrap-os documentation into docs/ * Docs: update file locations in sidebar
* add initial MetalLB docs * metallb allow disabling the deployment of the metallb speaker * calico>=3.18 allow using calico to advertise service loadbalancer IPs * Document the use of MetalLB and Calico * clean MetalLB docs