Even though there it kubeadm_token_ttl=0 which means that kubeadm token never expires, it is not present in `kubeadm token list` after cluster is provisioned (at least after it is running for some time) and there is issue regarding this https://github.com/kubernetes/kubeadm/issues/335, so we need to create a new temporary token during the cluster upgrade.
Ansible automatically installs the python-apt package when using
the 'apt' Ansible module, if python-apt is not present. This patch
removes the (unneeded) explicit installation in the Kubespray
'preinstall' role.
* allow installs to not have hostname overriden with fqdn from inventory
* calico-config no longer requires local as and will default to global
* when cloudprovider is not defined, use the inventory_hostname for cni-calico
* allow reset to not restart network (buggy nodes die with this cmd)
* default kube_override_hostname to inventory_hostname instead of ansible_hostname
Cloud resolvers are mandatory for hosts on GCE and OpenStack
clouds. The alternative resolver was dropped because
there is already a default nameserver. The new var name
reflects the purpose better.
Also restart apiserver when modifying dns settings.
If you configure your external loadbalancer to do a simple tcp pass-through to the api servers, and you do not use a DNS FQDN but just the ip, then you need to add the ip adress to the certificates too.
Example config:
## External LB example config
apiserver_loadbalancer_domain_name: ""
port: 8383
kube-proxy is complaining of missing modules at startup. There is a plan
to also support an LVS implementation of kube-proxy in additon to
userspace and iptables
Update checksum for kubeadm
Use v1.9.0 kubeadm params
Include hash of ca.crt for kubeadm join
Update tag for testing upgrades
Add workaround for testing upgrades
Remove scale CI scenarios because of slow inventory parsing
in ansible 2.4.x.
Change region for tests to us-central1 to
improve ansible performance
Starting with Kubernetes v1.8.4, kubelet ignores the AWS cloud
provider string and uses the override hostname, which fails
Node admission checks.
As we have seen with other containers, sometimes container removal fails on the first attempt due to some Docker bugs. Retrying typically corrects the issue.