Attempting to clarify the language surrounding the etcd node deployment script failure mechanism. I had this error when doing a new cluster deployment last night and, though it should have been, it wasn't immediately apparent to me what was causing the issue (since my default master node hostnames do not specify whether they are also acting as etcd replicas).
* Add supplementary node groups
To add additional ansible groups to the k8s nodes, such as
`kube-ingress` for running ingress controller pods. Empty by default.
* [terraform/openstack] Restores ability to use existing public nodes and masters as bastion.
* [terraform/openstack] Uses network_id as output
* [terraform/openstack] Fixes link to inventory/local/group_vars
* [terraform/openstack] Adds supplementary master groups
* [terraform/openstack] Updates documentation avoiding manual setups for bastion (as they are not needed now).
* [terraform/openstack] Supplementary master groups in docs.
* [terraform/openstack] Fixes repeated usage of master fips instead of bastion fips
* [terraform/openstack] Missing change for network_id to subnet_id
* [terraform/openstack] Changes conditional to element( concat ) form to avoid type issues with empty lists.
Hardcoded variables are removed from file because it might
not be suitable for all OpenStack Cloud depending on Identity API
version available (between v2 or v3) and preferred authentication
* Adding bastion and private network provisioning for openstack terraform
* Remove usage of floating-ip property
* Combine openstack instances + floating ips
* Fix relating floating IPs to hosts for openstack builds
* Tighten up security groups
Allow ssh into all instances with floating IP
* Add the gluster hosts to the no-floating group
* Break terraform into modules
* Update README and var descriptions to match current config
* Remove volume property in gluster compute def
* Include cluster name in internal network and router names
* Make dns_nameservers a variable
* Properly tag instances and subnets with `$cluster_name`
This is required by kubernetes to support multiple clusters in a single vpc/az
* Get rid of loadbalancer_apiserver_address as it is no longer needed
* Dynamically retrieve aws_bastion_ami latest reference by querying AWS rather than hard coded
* Dynamically retrieve the list of availability_zones instead of needing to have them hard coded
* Limit availability zones to first 2, using slice extrapolation function
* Replace the need for hardcoded variable "aws_cluster_ami" by the data provided by Terraform
* Move ami choosing to vars, so people don't need to edit create infrastructure if they want another vendor image (as suggested by @atoms)
* Make name of the data block agnostic of distribution, given there are more than one distribution supported
* Add documentation about other distros being supported and what to change in which location to make these changes
* Add comment line and documentation for bastion host usage
* Take out unneeded sudo parm
* Remove blank lines
* revert changes
* take out disabling of strict host checking
This trigger ensures the inventory file is kept up-to-date. Otherwise, if the file exists and you've made changes to your terraform-managed infra without having deleted the file, it would never get updated.
For example, consider the case where you've destroyed and re-applied the terraform resources, none of the IPs would get updated, so ansible would be trying to connect to the old ones.
Rewrote AWS Terraform deployment for AWS Kargo. It supports now
multiple Availability Zones, AWS Loadbalancer for Kubernetes API,
Bastion Host, ...
For more information see README