* Changes to assign pod priority to kube components.
* Removed the boolean flag pod_priority_assignment
* Created new priorityclass k8s-cluster-critical
* Created new priorityclass k8s-cluster-critical
* Fixed the trailing spaces
* Fixed the trailing spaces
* Added kube version check while creating Priority Class k8s-cluster-critical
* Moved k8s-cluster-critical.yml
* Moved k8s-cluster-critical.yml to kube_config_dir
When enable_network_policy is set to True with Calico 3 kubectl
apply fails with the error:
The Deployment "calico-kube-controllers" is invalid:
spec.strategy.rollingUpdate: Forbidden: may not be specified when
strategy type is 'Recreate'
Changing the update strategy to RollingUpdate avoids this error.
ensure there is pin priority for docker package to avoid upgrade of docker to incompatible version
remove empty when line
ensure there is pin priority for docker package to avoid upgrade of docker to incompatible version
force kubeadm upgrade due to failure without --force flag
ensure there is pin priority for docker package to avoid upgrade of docker to incompatible version
added nodeSelector to have compatibility with hybrid cluster with win nodes, also fix for download with missing container type
fixes in syntax and LF for newline in files
fix on yamllint check
ensure there is pin priority for docker package to avoid upgrade of docker to incompatible version
some cleanup for innecesary lines
remove conditions for nodeselector
* calico upgrade to v3
* update calico_rr version
* add missing file
* change contents of main.yml as it was left old version
* enable network policy by default
* remove unneeded task
* Fix kubelet calico settings
* fix when statement
* switch back to node-kubeconfig.yaml
* Update local-volume-provisioner-ds.yml.j2
After v1.10.2 default mountPropagation is "None"
* local_volume_provisioner version bump
v2.1.0 uses the beta nodeAffinity API by default which is available starting 1.10
* Update local-volume-provisioner-ds.yml.j2
* Update README.md
Raw block devices docs.
* kubedns & kubedns-autoscaler: Stick to master nodes.
- Tolerate only master nodes and not any NoSchedule taint
- Pods are on different nodes
- Pods are required to be on a master node.
* kubedns: use soft nodeAffinity.
Prefer to be on a master node, don't require.
* coredns: Stick to (different) master nodes.
- Pods are on different nodes
- Pods are preferred to be on a master node.
ingress-nginx 0.16.2 (https://github.com/kubernetes/ingress-nginx/releases/tag/nginx-0.16.2)
This patch simplify ingress-nginx deployment by default deploy on
master, with customizable options; on the other hand, remove the
additional Ansible group "kube-ingress" and its k8s node label
Reference to https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/services-networking/ingress/#prerequisites:
GCE/Google Kubernetes Engine deploys an ingress controller on the master.
By changing `ingress_nginx_nodeselector` plus custom k8s node
label, user could customize the DaemonSet deployment target.
If `ingress_nginx_nodeselector` is empty, will deploy DaemonSet on
every k8s node.
- cephfs-provisioner 06fddbe2 (https://github.com/kubernetes-incubator/external-storage/tree/06fddbe2/ceph/cephfs)
Noteable changes from upstream:
- Added storage class parameters to specify a root path within the backing cephfs and, optionally, use deterministic directory and user names (https://github.com/kubernetes-incubator/external-storage/pull/696)
- Support capacity (https://github.com/kubernetes-incubator/external-storage/pull/770)
- Enable metrics server (https://github.com/kubernetes-incubator/external-storage/pull/797)
Other noteable changes:
- Clean up legacy manifests file naming
- Remove legacy manifests, namespace and storageclass before upgrade
- `cephfs_provisioner_monitors` simplified as string
- Default to new deterministic naming
- Add `reclaimPolicy` support in StorageClass
With legacy non-deterministic naming style (where $UUID are generated ramdonly):
- cephfs_provisioner_claim_root: /volumes/kubernetes
- cephfs_provisioner_deterministic_names: false
- Generated CephFS volume: /volumes/kubernetes/kubernetes-dynamic-pvc-$UUID
- Generated CephFS user: kubernetes-dynamic-user-$UUID
With new default deterministic naming style (where $NAMESPACE and $PVC are predictable):
- cephfs_provisioner_claim_root: /volumes
- cephfs_provisioner_deterministic_names: true
- Generated CephFS volume: /volumes/$NAMESPACE/$PVC
- Generated CephFS user: k8s.$NAMESPACE.$PVC