yum_repository expect really different params, so nothing to factor here
Ubuntu is not an ansible_os_family, the OS family for Ubuntu is Debian
Check for ansible_pkg_mgr == apt
Signed-off-by: Etienne Champetier <champetier.etienne@gmail.com>
we don't need rpm_key, so nothing to factor here
Ubuntu is not an ansible_os_family, the OS family for Ubuntu is Debian
Check for ansible_pkg_mgr == apt
Signed-off-by: Etienne Champetier <champetier.etienne@gmail.com>
* Vagrantfile: Bump openSUSE to Leap 15.0
* roles: container-engine: Add 'containerd' package for openSUSE
The 'containerd' package contains the docker-containerd and
docker-containerd-shim binaries. We also need to ensure that the latest
version is installed since an older version may already be present (eg GCE
* Remove docker log-opts for opensuse
* roles: bootstrap-os: Use lowercase 'o' for openSUSE
OpenSUSE is not a valid family name. The correct one is openSUSE
* roles: bootstrap-os: Update zypper cache before first installation
The zypper cache may be outdated so ensure that it's fully updated
before we try and install the bootstrap packages.
Add support for installing Docker on SUSE distributions. The Docker
repository at https://yum.dockerproject.org/repo/main/ does not support
recent openSUSE distributions so the only alternative is to use the
packages from the distro repositories. This however renders the
'docker_version' Ansible variable useless on SUSE.