* containerd: refactor handlers to use 'listen'
* cri-dockerd: refactor handlers to use 'listen'
* cri-o: refactor handlers to use 'listen'
* docker: refactor handlers to use 'listen'
* etcd: refactor handlers to use 'listen'
* control-plane: refactor handlers to use 'listen'
* kubeadm: refactor handlers to use 'listen'
* node: refactor handlers to use 'listen'
* preinstall: refactor handlers to use 'listen'
* calico: refactor handlers to use 'listen'
* kube-router: refactor handlers to use 'listen'
* macvlan: refactor handlers to use 'listen'
* project: fix var-spacing ansible rule
Signed-off-by: Arthur Outhenin-Chalandre <arthur.outhenin-chalandre@proton.ch>
* project: fix spacing on the beginning/end of jinja template
Signed-off-by: Arthur Outhenin-Chalandre <arthur.outhenin-chalandre@proton.ch>
* project: fix spacing of default filter
Signed-off-by: Arthur Outhenin-Chalandre <arthur.outhenin-chalandre@proton.ch>
* project: fix spacing between filter arguments
Signed-off-by: Arthur Outhenin-Chalandre <arthur.outhenin-chalandre@proton.ch>
* project: fix double space at beginning/end of jinja
Signed-off-by: Arthur Outhenin-Chalandre <arthur.outhenin-chalandre@proton.ch>
* project: fix remaining jinja[spacing] ansible-lint warning
Signed-off-by: Arthur Outhenin-Chalandre <arthur.outhenin-chalandre@proton.ch>
Signed-off-by: Arthur Outhenin-Chalandre <arthur.outhenin-chalandre@proton.ch>
* project: update all dependencies including ansible
Upgrade to ansible 7.x and ansible-core 2.14.x. There seems to be issue
with ansible 8/ansible-core 2.15 so we remain on those versions for now.
It's quite a big bump already anyway.
Signed-off-by: Arthur Outhenin-Chalandre <arthur.outhenin-chalandre@proton.ch>
* tests: install aws galaxy collection
Signed-off-by: Arthur Outhenin-Chalandre <arthur.outhenin-chalandre@proton.ch>
* ansible-lint: disable various rules after ansible upgrade
Temporarily disable a bunch of linting action following ansible upgrade.
Those should be taken care of separately.
Signed-off-by: Arthur Outhenin-Chalandre <arthur.outhenin-chalandre@proton.ch>
* project: resolve deprecated-module ansible-lint error
Signed-off-by: Arthur Outhenin-Chalandre <arthur.outhenin-chalandre@proton.ch>
* project: resolve no-free-form ansible-lint error
Signed-off-by: Arthur Outhenin-Chalandre <arthur.outhenin-chalandre@proton.ch>
* project: resolve schema[meta] ansible-lint error
Signed-off-by: Arthur Outhenin-Chalandre <arthur.outhenin-chalandre@proton.ch>
* project: resolve schema[playbook] ansible-lint error
Signed-off-by: Arthur Outhenin-Chalandre <arthur.outhenin-chalandre@proton.ch>
* project: resolve schema[tasks] ansible-lint error
Signed-off-by: Arthur Outhenin-Chalandre <arthur.outhenin-chalandre@proton.ch>
* project: resolve risky-file-permissions ansible-lint error
Signed-off-by: Arthur Outhenin-Chalandre <arthur.outhenin-chalandre@proton.ch>
* project: resolve risky-shell-pipe ansible-lint error
Signed-off-by: Arthur Outhenin-Chalandre <arthur.outhenin-chalandre@proton.ch>
* project: remove deprecated warn args
Signed-off-by: Arthur Outhenin-Chalandre <arthur.outhenin-chalandre@proton.ch>
* project: use fqcn for non builtin tasks
Signed-off-by: Arthur Outhenin-Chalandre <arthur.outhenin-chalandre@proton.ch>
* project: resolve syntax-check[missing-file] for contrib playbook
Signed-off-by: Arthur Outhenin-Chalandre <arthur.outhenin-chalandre@proton.ch>
* project: use arithmetic inside jinja to fix ansible 6 upgrade
Signed-off-by: Arthur Outhenin-Chalandre <arthur.outhenin-chalandre@proton.ch>
Signed-off-by: Arthur Outhenin-Chalandre <arthur.outhenin-chalandre@proton.ch>
* containerd: change default resolvconf_mode to host_resolvconf
* Wait for kube-apiserver to come back after pod refresh
* Handle resolv.conf gracefully
* Retain currently configured DNS entries to ensure we don't break the resolvers
* Suse uses wickedd for network management so no dhcp hooks
* Molecule: increase ansible timeout
* CI: Increase ansible timeout to 120s for Packet jobs
This replaces kube-master with kube_control_plane because of [1]:
The Kubernetes project is moving away from wording that is
considered offensive. A new working group WG Naming was created
to track this work, and the word "master" was declared as offensive.
A proposal was formalized for replacing the word "master" with
"control plane". This means it should be removed from source code,
documentation, and user-facing configuration from Kubernetes and
its sub-projects.
NOTE: The reason why this changes it to kube_control_plane not
kube-control-plane is for valid group names on ansible.
[1]: https://github.com/kubernetes/enhancements/blob/master/keps/sig-cluster-lifecycle/kubeadm/2067-rename-master-label-taint/README.md#motivation
On CentOS 8 they seem to be ignored by default, but better be extra safe
This also make it easy to exclude other network plugin interfaces
Signed-off-by: Etienne Champetier <e.champetier@ateme.com>
By default Ansible stat module compute checksum, list extended attributes and find mime type
To find all stat invocations that really use one of those:
git grep -F stat. | grep -vE 'stat.(islnk|exists|lnk_source|writeable)'
Signed-off-by: Etienne Champetier <e.champetier@ateme.com>
If crictl (and docker) binaries are deployed to the directories
that are not in standard PATH (e.g. /usr/local/bin), it is required
to specify full path to the binaries.
Cloud resolvers are mandatory for hosts on GCE and OpenStack
clouds. The alternative resolver was dropped because
there is already a default nameserver. The new var name
reflects the purpose better.
Also restart apiserver when modifying dns settings.
* Adding yaml linter to ci check
* Minor linting fixes from yamllint
* Changing CI to install python pkgs from requirements.txt
- adding in a secondary requirements.txt for tests
- moving yamllint to tests requirements
* For Debian/RedHat OS families (with NetworkManager/dhclient/resolvconf
optionally enabled) prepend /etc/resolv.conf with required nameservers,
options, and supersede domain and search domains via the dhclient/resolvconf
* Drop (z)nodnsupdate dhclient hook and re-implement it to complement the
resolvconf -u command, which is distro/cloud provider specific.
Update docs as well.
* Enable network restart to apply and persist changes and simplify handlers
to rely on network restart only. This fixes DNS resolve for hostnet K8s
pods for Red Hat OS family. Skip network restart for canal/calico plugins,
unless https://github.com/projectcalico/felix/issues/1185 fixed.
* Replace linefiles line plus with_items to block mode as it's faster.
Signed-off-by: Bogdan Dobrelya <bdobrelia@mirantis.com>
Co-authored-by: Matthew Mosesohn <mmosesohn@mirantis.com>
In order to enable offline/intranet installation cases:
* Move DNS/resolvconf configuration to preinstall role. Remove
skip_dnsmasq_k8s var as not needed anymore.
* Preconfigure DNS stack early, which may be the case when downloading
artifacts from intranet repositories. Do not configure
K8s DNS resolvers for hosts /etc/resolv.conf yet early (as they may be
not existing).
* Reconfigure K8s DNS resolvers for hosts only after kubedns/dnsmasq
was set up and before K8s apps to be created.
* Move docker install task to early stage as well and unbind it from the
etcd role's specific install path. Fix external flannel dependency on
docker role handlers. Also fix the docker restart handlers' steps
ordering to match the expected sequence (the socket then the service).
* Add default resolver fact, which is
the cloud provider specific and remove hardcoded GCE resolver.
* Reduce default ndots for hosts /etc/resolv.conf to 2. Multiple search
domains combined with high ndots values lead to poor performance of
DNS stack and make ansible workers to fail very often with the
"Timeout (12s) waiting for privilege escalation prompt:" error.
* Update docs.
Signed-off-by: Bogdan Dobrelya <bdobrelia@mirantis.com>
Use cloud-init config to replace /etc/resolv.conf with the
content for kubelet to properly configure hostnet pods.
Do not use systemd-resolved yet, see
"Only nss-aware applications can take advantage of the
systemd-resolved cache. Notably, this means that statically
linked Go programs and programs running within Docker/rkt
will use /etc/resolv.conf only, and will not use the
systemd-resolve cache."
Signed-off-by: Bogdan Dobrelya <bdobrelia@mirantis.com>
* Add a var for ndots (default 5) and put it hosts' /etc/resolv.conf.
* Poke kube dns container image to v1.7
* In order to apply changes to kubelet, notify it to
be restarted on changes made to /etc/resolv.conf. Ignore errors as the kubelet
may yet to be present up to the moment of the notification being processed.
* Remove unnecessary kubelet restart for master role as the node role ensures
it is up and running. Notify master static pods waiters for apiserver,
scheduler, controller-manager instead.
Signed-off-by: Bogdan Dobrelya <bdobrelia@mirantis.com>
Move updating resolvconf to the network restart handler to
ensure changes applied to the /etc/resolv.conf.
Signed-off-by: Bogdan Dobrelya <bdobrelia@mirantis.com>
* Ensure additional nameserver/search, if defined as vars.
* Don't backup changed dhclient hooks as they are going to be
executed by dhclient as well, which is not what we want.
* For debian OS family only:
- Rename nodnsupdate hook the resolvconf hook to be sourced always
before it.
- Ensure dhclient restarted via network restart to apply the
nodnsupdate hook.
* For rhel OS family, the fix TBD, it doesn't work the same way.
Signed-off-by: Bogdan Dobrelya <bdobrelia@mirantis.com>
Rename nodnsupdate hook the resolvconf hook to be sourced always
before it.
Ensure dhclient restarted via network restart to apply the
nodnsupdate hook.
Ensure additional nameserver/search, if defined as vars.
Signed-off-by: Bogdan Dobrelya <bdobrelia@mirantis.com>