Hardcoded variables are removed from variables.tf file because it might
not be suitable for all OpenStack Cloud depending on Identity API
version available (between v2 or v3) and preferred authentication
Auto configure API access endpoint with a custom bind IP, if provided.
Fix HA docs' http URLs are https in fact, clarify the insecure vs secure
API access modes as well.
Closes: #issues/2051
Signed-off-by: Bogdan Dobrelya <bogdando@mail.ru>
Update checksum for kubeadm
Use v1.9.0 kubeadm params
Include hash of ca.crt for kubeadm join
Update tag for testing upgrades
Add workaround for testing upgrades
Remove scale CI scenarios because of slow inventory parsing
in ansible 2.4.x.
Change region for tests to us-central1 to
improve ansible performance
Starting with Kubernetes v1.8.4, kubelet ignores the AWS cloud
provider string and uses the override hostname, which fails
Node admission checks.
The search line in /etc/resolv.conf could have
multiple spaces or tabs between domains.
split(' ') will give wrong results in some case,
use split() without argument instead.
>>> 'domain.tld cluster.tld '.split(' ')
['domain.tld\tcluster.tld', '']
>>> 'domain.tld cluster.tld '.split()
['domain.tld', 'cluster.tld']
As we have seen with other containers, sometimes container removal fails on the first attempt due to some Docker bugs. Retrying typically corrects the issue.
Use a etcd-initer init container to generate etcd args, it determines
etcd name by comparing its ip and etcd cluster ips. This way will
make etcd configuration independent to the ansible templating so
that could be easier on adding master nodes.
Putting contiv etcd and etcd-proxy into the same daemonset and manage
the difference by a env file is not good for scaling (adding nodes).
This commit split them into two daemonsets so that when adding nodes,
k8s could automatically starting a etcd-proxy on new nodes without need
to run related play that putting env file.