Move updating resolvconf to the network restart handler to
ensure changes applied to the /etc/resolv.conf.
Signed-off-by: Bogdan Dobrelya <>
Shorten deployment time with:
- Remove redundand roles if duplicated by a dependency and vice versa
- When a member of k8s-cluster, always install docker as a dependency
of the etcd role and drop the docker role from cluster.yaml.
- Drop etcd and node role dependencies from master role as they are
covered by the node role in k8s-cluster group as well. Copy defaults
for master from node role.
- Decouple master, node, secrets roles handlers and vars to be used w/o
cross references.
Signed-off-by: Bogdan Dobrelya <>
* Ensure additional nameserver/search, if defined as vars.
* Don't backup changed dhclient hooks as they are going to be
executed by dhclient as well, which is not what we want.
* For debian OS family only:
- Rename nodnsupdate hook the resolvconf hook to be sourced always
before it.
- Ensure dhclient restarted via network restart to apply the
nodnsupdate hook.
* For rhel OS family, the fix TBD, it doesn't work the same way.
Signed-off-by: Bogdan Dobrelya <>
Rename nodnsupdate hook the resolvconf hook to be sourced always
before it.
Ensure dhclient restarted via network restart to apply the
nodnsupdate hook.
Ensure additional nameserver/search, if defined as vars.
Signed-off-by: Bogdan Dobrelya <>
If resolvconf was installed and then removed, the file
/etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/head remains in the filesystem
- change discovery of 'resolvconf' executable to check if it
can be located with 'which resolvconf' command or not.
Hyperkube from CoreOS now ships with all binaries required for
calico and flannel (but not weave). It simplifies deployment for
some network plugin scenarios to not download CNI images.
TODO: Optionally disable downloading calico to /opt/cni/bin
Creating the unit using default settings early on
and then changing it during network_plugin section
leads to too many docker restarts and duplicated code.
Reversed Wants= dependence on docker.service so it does not
restart docker when reloading systemd
Consolidated all docker restart handlers.
* Add for docker system units:
ExecReload=/bin/kill -s HUP $MAINPID
* Add missed DOCKER_OPTIONS for calico/weave docker systemd unit.
* Change Requires= to a less strict and non-faily Wants=, add missing
Wants= for After=.
* Align wants/after in a wat if Wants=foo, After= has foo as well.
* Make wants/after docker.service to ask for the docker.socket as well.
* Move "docker rm -f" commands from ExecStartPre= to ExecStopPost=.
hooks to ensure non-destructive start attempts issued by Wants=.
Signed-off-by: Bogdan Dobrelya <>
etcd facts are generated in kubernetes/preinstall, so etcd nodes need
to be evaluated first before the rest of the deployment.
Moved several directory facts from kubernetes/node to
kubernetes/preinstall because they are not backward dependent.
* Add HA docs for API server.
* Add auto-evaluated internal endpoints and clarify the loadbalancer_apiserver
vars and usecases.
* Use facts for kube_apiserver to not repeat code and enable LB endpoints use.
* Use /healthz check for the wait-for apiserver.
* Use the single endpoint for kubelet instead of the list of apiservers
* Specify kube_apiserver_count to for HA layout
Signed-off-by: Bogdan Dobrelya <>
Nearly the last stage of source all components to containers.
Kubectl will be called from hyperkube image.
Remaining tasks:
* Move kube_version variable to kubernetes/preinstall
* Drop placeholder download.nothing requirement
kubelet via docker
kube-apiserver as a static pod
Fixed etcd service start to be more tolerant of slow start.
Workaround for kube_version to stay in download role, but not
download an files by creating a new "nothing" download entry.