* Enable AutoScaler for CoreDNS
* Only use one template for dns autoscaler
* Rename a few variables for replicas and minimum pods
* Rename a few variables for replicas and minimum pods
* Remove replicas to make autoscale work
* Cleanup kubedns-autoscaler as it has been renamed
add prometheus annotations to calico-node if
calico_felix_prometheusmetricsenabled is enabled.
This will allow a kubernetes_sd to automaticly find the pods and start
* Fix Failure talking to yum: Cannot find a valid baseurl for repo: base/7/x86_64 if Install packages in CentOS using proxy
* Add proxy to /etc/yum.conf if http_proxy is defined
* Added changes to clean up orphan containers and reload docker & kubelet directories.
* Added new files for cleaning up orphans and docker & kubelet directories
* Added new lines at the end of these files
* removed the trailing whitespaces from main.yml and clean-up.yml
* Updated as per the review comments
* Updated as per the review comments
* Removed service_facts and package_facts because they are not supported in ansible 2.4.0
* Corrected yaml syntax errors
* Removed the use of json_query filter and utilized selectattr
* Removed trailing spaces
* Changed the default value of docker_clean_up to false
* Added Changes to only include cleanup-docker-orphans.sh
* Reverted back changes done inside handler.
* Removed trailing spaces and made default value of docker_orphan_clean_up as true
* Reverted the default value of docker_orphan_clean_up as false
* Made the docker clean up as drop in
* Made the docker clean up as drop in
* Reverted the value of boolean docker_orphan_clean_up to false
* Converted ExecStop to ExecSTartPost. Removed the live restore check from the orphan script
* Adds support for Multus (multiple interfaces) CNI plugin
Multus is a latin word for "Multi". As the name suggests, it acts as a
Multi plugin in Kubernetes and provides multiple network interface
support in a pod. Multus uses the concept of invoking delegates by
grouping multiple plugins into delegates and invoking them in the
sequential order of the CNI configuration file provided in json format.
* Change CNI version (0.1.0->0.3.1) of Contiv to be compatible with Multus