* Simplify docker systemd unit
systemd handles missing unit by ignoring the dependency so we don't need
to template them.
* Remove RHEL 7/CentOS 7 support
- remove ref in kubespray roles
- move CI from centos 7 to 8
- remove docs related to centos7
* Remove container-storage-setup
Only used for RHEL 7 and CentOS 7
* [calico] make vxlan encapsulation the default
* don't enable ipip encapsulation by default
* set calico_network_backend by default to vxlan
* update sample inventory and documentation
* [CI] pin default calico parameters for upgrade tests to ensure proper upgrade
* [CI] improve netchecker connectivity testing
* [CI] show logs for tests
* [calico] tweak task name
* [CI] Don't run the provisioner from vagrant since we run it in testcases_run.sh
* [CI] move kube-router tests to vagrant to avoid network connectivity issues during netchecker check
* service proxy mode still fails connectivity tests so keeping it manual mode
* [kube-router] account for containerd use-case
* PHASE 2 - Enable Packet-CI in gitlab
* Add gitlab files
* Reset files back and only keep Packet
* Include packet
* Add missing Upgrade Tests
* Update GCE jobs etc
* Fix bug
* Yaml lint all gitlab files
* Remove GCE
* Test
* Test again
* Enable GCE again
* Install requirements
* Cleanup the gitlab file
* Cleanup runner tags
* Install requirements
* Test
* Test variables for gce
* Test again
* Test again
* Fix
* Update
* Lint everything in the repository with yamllint
* yamllint fixes: syntax fixes only
* yamllint fixes: move comments to play names
* yamllint fixes: indent comments in .gitlab-ci.yml file
* Fix random failure in debug: var=result.content|from_json
* netchecker agents are deployed on all k8s-cluster group members
* reducing limits/requests is not enough, switching to n1-standard-2
* gce_centos7 need more cpu
* Enable AutoScaler for CoreDNS
* Only use one template for dns autoscaler
* Rename a few variables for replicas and minimum pods
* Rename a few variables for replicas and minimum pods
* Remove replicas to make autoscale work
* Cleanup kubedns-autoscaler as it has been renamed
* [jjo] add kube-router support
* add kube-router as another network_plugin choice
* support most used kube-router flags via
`kube_router_foo` vars as other plugins
* implement replacing kube-proxy (--run-service-proxy=true) via
`kube_proxy_mode: none`, verified in a _non kubeadm_enabled_
install, should also work for recent kubeadm releases via
`skipKubeProxyInstall: true` config
* [jjo] address PR#3339 review from @woopstar
* add busybox image used by kube-router to downloads
* fix busybox download groups key
* rework kubeadm_enabled + kube_router_run_service_proxy
- verify it working ok w/the kubeadm_enabled and
kube_router_run_service_proxy true or false
- introduce `kube_proxy_remove` fact, to decouple logic
from kube_proxy_mode (which affects kubeadm configmap
settings, thus no-good to ab-use it to 'none')
* improve kube-router.md re: kubeadm_enabled and kube_router_run_service_proxy
* address @woopstar latest review
* add inventory/sample/group_vars/k8s-cluster/k8s-net-kube-router.yml
* fix kube_router_run_service_proxy conditional for kube-proxy removal
* fix kube_proxy_remove fact (w/ |bool), add some needed kube-proxy tags on my and existing changes
* update kube-router tolerations for 1.12 compatibility
* add PriorityClass to kube-router DaemonSet
* Added cilium support
* Fix typo in debian test config
* Remove empty lines
* Changed cilium version from <latest> to <v1.0.0-rc3>
* Add missing changes for cilium
* Add cilium to CI pipeline
* Fix wrong file name
* Check kernel version for cilium
* fixed ci error
* fixed cilium-ds.j2 template
* added waiting for cilium pods to run
* Fixed missing EOF
* Fixed trailing spaces
* Fixed trailing spaces
* Fixed trailing spaces
* Fixed too many blank lines
* Updated tolerations,annotations in cilium DS template
* Set cilium_version to iptables-1.9 to see if bug is fixed in CI
* Update cilium image tag to v1.0.0-rc4
* Update Cilium test case CI vars filenames
* Add optional prometheus flag, adjust initial readiness delay
* Update README.md with cilium info
Update checksum for kubeadm
Use v1.9.0 kubeadm params
Include hash of ca.crt for kubeadm join
Update tag for testing upgrades
Add workaround for testing upgrades
Remove scale CI scenarios because of slow inventory parsing
in ansible 2.4.x.
Change region for tests to us-central1 to
improve ansible performance
* Fix broken CI jobs
Adjust image and image_family scenarios for debian.
Checkout CI file for upgrades
* add debugging to file download
* Fix download for alternate playbooks
* Update ansible ssh args to force ssh user
* Update sync_container.yml