* Simplify docker systemd unit
systemd handles missing unit by ignoring the dependency so we don't need
to template them.
* Remove RHEL 7/CentOS 7 support
- remove ref in kubespray roles
- move CI from centos 7 to 8
- remove docs related to centos7
* Remove container-storage-setup
Only used for RHEL 7 and CentOS 7
* Added support for setting tiller_service_account and tiller_replicas
* Specify helm 2 version to ensure we have a test path that still hits helm 2 code
* Moved tiller_service_account to defaults.yml. Fixed is tiller_replicas defined check.
* download file
* download containers
* fix push image to nodes
* pull if none image on host
* fix
* improve docker image tag checks.
do not pull already cached images
* rebase fix merge conflict
* add support download_run_once when upgrade and scale cluster
add some test with download_run_once
* set default values to temp flag for every download cycle
* add save,load abilty for containerd and crio when download_run_once=true
* return redefine image save/load command to set_docker_image_facts.yml
* move set command to set_container_facts
* ctr in containerd_bin_dir
* fix order of ctr image export arguments
* temporary disable download_run_once for containerd and crio
due https://github.com/containerd/containerd/issues/4075
* remove unused files
* fix strict yaml linter warning and errors
* refactor logical conditions to pull and cache container images
* remove comment due lint check
* document role
* remove image_load_on_localhost, because cached images are always loaded to docker on remote sites
* remove XXX from debug output
* PHASE 2 - Enable Packet-CI in gitlab
* Add gitlab files
* Reset files back and only keep Packet
* Include packet
* Add missing Upgrade Tests
* Update GCE jobs etc
* Fix bug
* Yaml lint all gitlab files
* Remove GCE
* Test
* Test again
* Enable GCE again
* Install requirements
* Cleanup the gitlab file
* Cleanup runner tags
* Install requirements
* Test
* Test variables for gce
* Test again
* Test again
* Fix
* Update
* Lint everything in the repository with yamllint
* yamllint fixes: syntax fixes only
* yamllint fixes: move comments to play names
* yamllint fixes: indent comments in .gitlab-ci.yml file
* Fix random failure in debug: var=result.content|from_json
* netchecker agents are deployed on all k8s-cluster group members
* reducing limits/requests is not enough, switching to n1-standard-2
* gce_centos7 need more cpu
* Enable AutoScaler for CoreDNS
* Only use one template for dns autoscaler
* Rename a few variables for replicas and minimum pods
* Rename a few variables for replicas and minimum pods
* Remove replicas to make autoscale work
* Cleanup kubedns-autoscaler as it has been renamed
Update checksum for kubeadm
Use v1.9.0 kubeadm params
Include hash of ca.crt for kubeadm join
Update tag for testing upgrades
Add workaround for testing upgrades
Remove scale CI scenarios because of slow inventory parsing
in ansible 2.4.x.
Change region for tests to us-central1 to
improve ansible performance
* Fix broken CI jobs
Adjust image and image_family scenarios for debian.
Checkout CI file for upgrades
* add debugging to file download
* Fix download for alternate playbooks
* Update ansible ssh args to force ssh user
* Update sync_container.yml