* Add a var for ndots (default 5) and put it hosts' /etc/resolv.conf.
* Poke kube dns container image to v1.7
* In order to apply changes to kubelet, notify it to
be restarted on changes made to /etc/resolv.conf. Ignore errors as the kubelet
may yet to be present up to the moment of the notification being processed.
* Remove unnecessary kubelet restart for master role as the node role ensures
it is up and running. Notify master static pods waiters for apiserver,
scheduler, controller-manager instead.
Signed-off-by: Bogdan Dobrelya <bdobrelia@mirantis.com>
"else omit" is causing problems in this expression. Replacing
it with more strict "inventory_hostname" fixes the issue and
handles `download_run_once` as expected.
Closes issue #514
- Update docs and a drawing to clarify DNS setup.
- Change order of nameservers placement to match
changes in https://github.com/kubespray/kargo/pull/501
Signed-off-by: Bogdan Dobrelya <bdobrelia@mirantis.com>
Change additional dnsmasq opts:
- Adjust caching size and TTL
- Disable resolve conf to not create loops
- Change dnsPolicy to default (similarly to kubedns's dnsmasq). The
ClusterFirst should not be used to not create loops
- Disable negative NXDOMAIN replies to be cached
- Make its very installation as optional step (enabled by default).
If you don't want more than 3 DNS servers, including 1 for K8s, disable
- Add docs and a drawing to clarify DNS setup.
- Fix stdout logs for dnsmasq/kubedns app configs
- Add missed notifies to resolvconf -u handler
- Fix idempotency of resolvconf head file changes
Signed-off-by: Bogdan Dobrelya <bdobrelia@mirantis.com>
* Add the retry_stagger var to tweak push and retry time strategies.
* Add large deployments related docs.
Signed-off-by: Bogdan Dobrelya <bdobrelia@mirantis.com>
Move version/repo vars to download role.
Add container to download params, which overrides url/source_url,
if enabled.
Fix networking plugins download depending on kube_network_plugin.
Signed-off-by: Bogdan Dobrelya <bdobrelia@mirantis.com>
Removed api-version from kube.py because it is deprecated.
Updating both kube.py because dnsmasq one is actually used.
Fixed name back to kubedns for checking its resource.