* Override the default value of containerd's root, state, and oom_score configurations
* Add tests data for containerd_storage_dir, containerd_state_dir and containerd_oom_score variables
* Enable containerd to deploy vanilla containerd package
Fixes kubeadm references to CRI socket for containerd
Fixes download role cache feature to work with containerd
Change-Id: I2ab8f0031107e2f0d1a85c39b4beb66f08509a01
* use containerd for flannel-addons job
Change-Id: Ied375c7d65e64a625ffbd995ff16f2374067dee6
* add containerd vars
Change-Id: Ib9a8a04e501c481a86235413cbec63f3672baf91
* fixup vars
Change-Id: Ibea64e4b18405a578b52a13da100384582aa24c2
* more fixes
* fix rh repo
Change-Id: I00575a77cfb7b81d6095db5d918a52023c8f13ba
* Adjust helm host install for containerd
* Fix nodeselectors for contiv and nginx-ingress
Change-Id: Ib3eb6bd87193c69a90ee944c9164a0b6792c79ba
* Set kube proxy mode to iptables for addons task
Change-Id: Iff71a71f672405c74b4708c71db15ddc4391a53a
* PHASE 2 - Enable Packet-CI in gitlab
* Add gitlab files
* Reset files back and only keep Packet
* Include packet
* Add missing Upgrade Tests
* Update GCE jobs etc
* Fix bug
* Yaml lint all gitlab files
* Remove GCE
* Test
* Test again
* Enable GCE again
* Install requirements
* Cleanup the gitlab file
* Cleanup runner tags
* Install requirements
* Test
* Test variables for gce
* Test again
* Test again
* Fix
* Update
* Enable nodelocaldns by default
* Enable nodelocaldns by default
* nodelocaldns is now default
* Disable enable_nodelocaldns for the addons CI jobs
Disable enable_nodelocaldns for the addons CI jobs to make sure things still work without nodelocaldns
* Lint everything in the repository with yamllint
* yamllint fixes: syntax fixes only
* yamllint fixes: move comments to play names
* yamllint fixes: indent comments in .gitlab-ci.yml file
* feat(external-provisioner/local-path-provisioner): adds support for local path provisioner
Helpful for local development but also in production workloads (once the
permission model is worked out) where you have redundancy built into the
software uses the PVCs (e.g. database cluster with synchronous
* feat(local-path-provisioner): adds debug flag, image tag group var
* fix(local-path-provisioner): moves image repo/tag to download role
* test(gce_centos7-flannel): enables local-path-provisioner in test case
* fix(addons): add image repo/tag to commented default values
* fix(local-path-provisioner): typo in jinja template for local path provisioner
* style(local-path-provisioner): debug flag condition re-formatted
* fix(local-path-provisioner): adds missing default value for debug flag
* fix(local-path-provisioner): syntax fix for debug if condition end
* fix(local-path-provisioner): jinja template syntax: if condition white space
* Fix random failure in debug: var=result.content|from_json
* netchecker agents are deployed on all k8s-cluster group members
* reducing limits/requests is not enough, switching to n1-standard-2
* gce_centos7 need more cpu
* Add support for running a nodelocal dns cache
After encountering dns issues in a cluster I was recently working on I
noticed Kubernetes 1.13 introduced support for running a nodelocal dns
I believe this can usefull for more people.
* Add requested changes
* Add additional requested changes + documentation
* Add requested changes after review
* Replace incorrect variable
* Support Metrics Server as addon (#3560).
* Update metrics server v0.3.1.
* Add metrics server test.
* Replace metrics server manifests with kubernetes/cluster/addons's.
* Modify metrics server manifests for kubespray.
* Follow PR#3558 node label node-role.kubernetes.io/master change
* Fix metrics server parameters base_metrics_server_... to metrics_server_...
* Fix too hard corded metrics_server_memory_per_node
* Add configurable insecure tls for metrics-apiservice
* Downloadable addon-resizer and extract parameter as variables
* Remove metrics server version from deployment name
* Metrics Server work when all masters has node role
* Download metrics-server and add-resizer container only on master
* ServiceAccount and ConfigMap is separated and fix application name
* Remove old metrics server clusterrole template
* Fix addon-resizer image specify
* Make InternalIP default for metrics_server_kubelet_preferred_address_types
Make InternalIP default because multiple preferrred address types does not work.
* Enable AutoScaler for CoreDNS
* Only use one template for dns autoscaler
* Rename a few variables for replicas and minimum pods
* Rename a few variables for replicas and minimum pods
* Remove replicas to make autoscale work
* Cleanup kubedns-autoscaler as it has been renamed
Kubespray should not install any helm charts. This is a task
that a user should do on his/her own through ansible or another
tool. It opens the door to wrapping installation of any helm
Update checksum for kubeadm
Use v1.9.0 kubeadm params
Include hash of ca.crt for kubeadm join
Update tag for testing upgrades
Add workaround for testing upgrades
Remove scale CI scenarios because of slow inventory parsing
in ansible 2.4.x.
Change region for tests to us-central1 to
improve ansible performance
* Fix broken CI jobs
Adjust image and image_family scenarios for debian.
Checkout CI file for upgrades
* add debugging to file download
* Fix download for alternate playbooks
* Update ansible ssh args to force ssh user
* Update sync_container.yml