follow new naming conventions for gcr's coredns image.
starting from 1.21 kubeadm assumes it to be `coredns/coredns`:
this causes the kubeadm deployment being unable to pull image, beacuse `v`
was also added in image tag, until the role `kubernetes-apps` ovverides
it with the old name, which is only compatible with <=1.7.
Backward comptability with kubeadm <=1.20 is mantained checking
kubernetes version and falling back to old names (`coredns:1.xx`) when
the version is less than 1.21
* rename ansible groups to use _ instead of -
k8s-cluster -> k8s_cluster
k8s-node -> k8s_node
calico-rr -> calico_rr
no-floating -> no_floating
Note: kube-node,k8s-cluster groups in upgrade CI
need clean-up after v2.16 is tagged
* ensure old groups are mapped to the new ones
* Add KubeSchedulerConfiguration for k8s 1.19 and up
With release of version 1.19.0 of kubernetes KubeSchedulerConfiguration
was graduated to beta. It allows to extend different stages of
scheduling with profiles. Such effect is achieved by using plugins and
This patch adds KubeSchedulerConfiguration for versions 1.19 and later.
Configuration is set to k8s defaults or to kubespray vars. Moving those
defaults to new vars will be done in following patch.
Signed-off-by: Maciej Wereski <>
* KubeSchedulerConfiguration: add defaults
Signed-off-by: Maciej Wereski <>
This replaces kube-master with kube_control_plane because of [1]:
The Kubernetes project is moving away from wording that is
considered offensive. A new working group WG Naming was created
to track this work, and the word "master" was declared as offensive.
A proposal was formalized for replacing the word "master" with
"control plane". This means it should be removed from source code,
documentation, and user-facing configuration from Kubernetes and
its sub-projects.
NOTE: The reason why this changes it to kube_control_plane not
kube-control-plane is for valid group names on ansible.
Command line flags aren't added to kube-proxy which results in missing
feature gates set in this component. Add appropriate setting to
ConfigMap instead.
Signed-off-by: Maciej Wereski <>
* External OpenStack Cloud Controller Manager implementation
* Adding controller image tag
* Minor fixes
* Restructuring the external cloud controller to work with KubeADM
Fixes situation when using manual mode because it
tries to download coredns v1.3.1 from the same
image repository where kubernetes images are
downloaded from.
Change-Id: Ibbec8a72c8162ce8befa74e2013a268737ea5f8a
* Enable containerd to deploy vanilla containerd package
Fixes kubeadm references to CRI socket for containerd
Fixes download role cache feature to work with containerd
Change-Id: I2ab8f0031107e2f0d1a85c39b4beb66f08509a01
* use containerd for flannel-addons job
Change-Id: Ied375c7d65e64a625ffbd995ff16f2374067dee6
* add containerd vars
Change-Id: Ib9a8a04e501c481a86235413cbec63f3672baf91
* fixup vars
Change-Id: Ibea64e4b18405a578b52a13da100384582aa24c2
* more fixes
* fix rh repo
Change-Id: I00575a77cfb7b81d6095db5d918a52023c8f13ba
* Adjust helm host install for containerd
* Use K8s 1.15
* Use Kubernetes 1.15 and use for
* bump to v1.15.0
* Remove k8s 1.13 checksums.
* Update README kubernetes version 1.15.0.
* Update metrics server 0.3.3 for k8s 1.15
* Remove less than k8s 1.14 related code
* Use kubeadm with --upload-certs instead of --experimental-upload-certs due to depricate
* Update dnsautoscaler 1.6.0
* Skip certificateKey if it's not defined
* Add kubeadm-conftolplane.v2beta2 for k8s 1.15 or later
* Support kubeadm control plane for k8s 1.15
* Update sonobuoy version 0.15.0 for k8s 1.15
* Add limited containerd support
Containerd support for Ubuntu + Calico
* Added CRI-O support for ubuntu
* containerd support.
* Reset containerd support.
* fix lint.
* implemented feedback
* Change task name cri xx instead of cri-o in reset task and timeout condition.
* set crictl to fixed version
* Use docker-ce's package for containerd.
* Add check containerd is installable or not.
* Avoid stop docker when use containerd and optimize retry for reset.
* Add config.toml.
* Fixed containerd for kubelet.env.
* Merge PR #4629
* Remove unused ubuntu variable for containerd
* Polish code for containerd and cri-o
* Refactoring cri socket configuration.
* Configurable conmon.
* Remove unused crictl/runc download
* Now crictl and runc is downloaded by common crictl.yml.
* fixed yamllint error
* Fixed brokenfiles by conflict.
* Remove commented line in config.toml
* Remove readded v1.12.x version
* Fixed broken set_docker_image_facts
* Fix yamllint errors.
* Remove unused apt source
* Fix crictl could not be installed
* Add containerd config from skolekonov's PR #4601
* Disable kube_api_anonymous_auth by default to secure the setup
* Disable metrics-server in addons. Health endpoint is slow and unstable
* Fix anonymous-auth missing in configuration
* Cleanup a bit
* Fix kube anon auth