* add initial MetalLB docs
* metallb allow disabling the deployment of the metallb speaker
* calico>=3.18 allow using calico to advertise service loadbalancer IPs
* Document the use of MetalLB and Calico
* clean MetalLB docs
* rename ansible groups to use _ instead of -
k8s-cluster -> k8s_cluster
k8s-node -> k8s_node
calico-rr -> calico_rr
no-floating -> no_floating
Note: kube-node,k8s-cluster groups in upgrade CI
need clean-up after v2.16 is tagged
* ensure old groups are mapped to the new ones
* add nodeselector and tolerations for metallb
* remove unnecessary commented lines in metallb template
* set default speaker toleration to match original manifest
* update local-path-storage config template to version v0.0.19
* changes local_path_provisioner image tag to v0.0.19
* removes copy paste example from rancher local-path-provisioner repo
* Option for MetalLB to talk BGP
* Check for BGP peers when metallb_protocol is bgp
* README clarification
* Commented values as documentation only in the sample inventory
* layer 2 or BGP, not both
To make it less confusing for users who uncommented whole block of
local path provisioner [1] the samples should point at least to
version 0.0.3 which supports helper image [2] configured by
local_path_provisioner_helper_image_repo variable. As 0.0.3 is a bit old
samples could point to current newest release 0.0.14.
[1] 45a177e2a0 (commitcomment-38625688)
[2] 315d67fa8c
This changes MetalLB contrib to one of addons for deploying MetalLB with
Kubernetes cluster deployment. By the default, Kubespray doesn't deploy
MetalLB addon.
Support for Ambassador OSS as an Ingress Controller when
settings `ingress_ambassador_enabled: true`.
Signed-off-by: Alvaro Saurin <alvaro.saurin@gmail.com>
* Fix nodeselectors for contiv and nginx-ingress
Change-Id: Ib3eb6bd87193c69a90ee944c9164a0b6792c79ba
* Set kube proxy mode to iptables for addons task
Change-Id: Iff71a71f672405c74b4708c71db15ddc4391a53a
* Lint everything in the repository with yamllint
* yamllint fixes: syntax fixes only
* yamllint fixes: move comments to play names
* yamllint fixes: indent comments in .gitlab-ci.yml file
* feat(external-provisioner/local-path-provisioner): adds support for local path provisioner
Helpful for local development but also in production workloads (once the
permission model is worked out) where you have redundancy built into the
software uses the PVCs (e.g. database cluster with synchronous
* feat(local-path-provisioner): adds debug flag, image tag group var
* fix(local-path-provisioner): moves image repo/tag to download role
* test(gce_centos7-flannel): enables local-path-provisioner in test case
* fix(addons): add image repo/tag to commented default values
* fix(local-path-provisioner): typo in jinja template for local path provisioner
* style(local-path-provisioner): debug flag condition re-formatted
* fix(local-path-provisioner): adds missing default value for debug flag
* fix(local-path-provisioner): syntax fix for debug if condition end
* fix(local-path-provisioner): jinja template syntax: if condition white space
- Fixed an issue where storage class host directories were looped
through excessive target hosts
- Fixes examples in the LVP `README.md` to use nested dicts instead of a
list of dicts
* Makes local volume provisioner more dynamic
* Correct variable name in local storage provisioner defaults
* Updates external-provisioner readme
* Updates variable naming to be more clear, more documentation, fixes sample inventory
* Variable refactor, untangled some jinja2 loops
* Corrects variable name
* No variable substitution in dict keys, replaced with anchor
* Fixes default storage_classes dict, inline docs
* Fixes spelling in inline docs
* Addresses comments in review
* Updates all the defaults
* Fix failing CI task
* Fixes external provisioner daemonset
Introduced variable `ingress_nginx_tolerations` to set custom
tolerations for Ingress nginx daemonset, to be able to schedule
ingress-nginx on dedicated nodes with taints.
* Support Metrics Server as addon (#3560).
* Update metrics server v0.3.1.
* Add metrics server test.
* Replace metrics server manifests with kubernetes/cluster/addons's.
* Modify metrics server manifests for kubespray.
* Follow PR#3558 node label node-role.kubernetes.io/master change
* Fix metrics server parameters base_metrics_server_... to metrics_server_...
* Fix too hard corded metrics_server_memory_per_node
* Add configurable insecure tls for metrics-apiservice
* Downloadable addon-resizer and extract parameter as variables
* Remove metrics server version from deployment name
* Metrics Server work when all masters has node role
* Download metrics-server and add-resizer container only on master
* ServiceAccount and ConfigMap is separated and fix application name
* Remove old metrics server clusterrole template
* Fix addon-resizer image specify
* Make InternalIP default for metrics_server_kubelet_preferred_address_types
Make InternalIP default because multiple preferrred address types does not work.
- Local Volume StorageClass configuration is now manged by `local_volume_provisioner_storage_classes`, a list of maps that specifies local storage classes with `name` `host_dir` and `mount_dir` keys per entry
- Tasks and templates updated to loop through local volume storage classes
- Previous defaults for path/class names were not changed
- Fixed an issue where a `kubernetes/preinstall` was creating directories inconsistently with the `kubernetes-apps/external_provisioner/local_volume_provisioner` task