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Refactor downloads to use download role directly (#1824)
Refactor downloads to use download role directly (#1824)
* Refactor downloads to use download role directly Also disable fact delegation so download delegate works acros OSes. * clean up bools and ansible_os_family conditionalspull/1843/head
committed by
28 changed files with 312 additions and 472 deletions
Split View
Diff Options
@ -1,8 +0,0 @@ |
--- |
dependencies: |
- role: download |
file: "{{ downloads.dnsmasq }}" |
when: dns_mode == 'dnsmasq_kubedns' and download_localhost|default(false) |
tags: |
- download |
- dnsmasq |
@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ |
--- |
allow_duplicates: true |
@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ |
--- |
- name: container_download | Make download decision if pull is required by tag or sha256 |
include: set_docker_image_facts.yml |
delegate_to: "{{ download_delegate if download_run_once or omit }}" |
delegate_facts: no |
run_once: "{{ download_run_once }}" |
when: |
- download.enabled |
- download.container |
tags: |
- facts |
- name: container_download | Download containers if pull is required or told to always pull |
command: "{{ docker_bin_dir }}/docker pull {{ pull_args }}" |
register: pull_task_result |
until: pull_task_result|succeeded |
retries: 4 |
delay: "{{ retry_stagger | random + 3 }}" |
environment: "{{ proxy_env }}" |
when: |
- download.enabled |
- download.container |
- pull_required|default(download_always_pull) |
delegate_to: "{{ download_delegate if download_run_once or omit }}" |
delegate_facts: no |
run_once: "{{ download_run_once }}" |
@ -0,0 +1,37 @@ |
--- |
- name: file_download | Create dest directory |
file: |
path: "{{local_release_dir}}/{{download.dest|dirname}}" |
state: directory |
recurse: yes |
when: |
- download.enabled |
- download.file |
- name: file_download | Download item |
get_url: |
url: "{{download.url}}" |
dest: "{{local_release_dir}}/{{download.dest}}" |
sha256sum: "{{download.sha256 | default(omit)}}" |
owner: "{{ download.owner|default(omit) }}" |
mode: "{{ download.mode|default(omit) }}" |
register: get_url_result |
until: "'OK' in get_url_result.msg or 'file already exists' in get_url_result.msg" |
retries: 4 |
delay: "{{ retry_stagger | random + 3 }}" |
environment: "{{ proxy_env }}" |
when: |
- download.enabled |
- download.file |
- name: file_download | Extract archives |
unarchive: |
src: "{{ local_release_dir }}/{{download.dest}}" |
dest: "{{ local_release_dir }}/{{download.dest|dirname}}" |
owner: "{{ download.owner|default(omit) }}" |
mode: "{{ download.mode|default(omit) }}" |
copy: no |
when: |
- download.enabled |
- download.file |
- download.unarchive|default(False) |
@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ |
--- |
- name: Register docker images info |
raw: >- |
{{ docker_bin_dir }}/docker images -q | xargs {{ docker_bin_dir }}/docker inspect -f "{{ '{{' }} (index .RepoTags 0) {{ '}}' }},{{ '{{' }} (index .RepoDigests 0) {{ '}}' }}" | tr '\n' ',' |
no_log: true |
register: docker_images |
failed_when: false |
changed_when: false |
check_mode: no |
- name: container_download | Create dest directory for saved/loaded container images |
file: |
path: "{{local_release_dir}}/containers" |
state: directory |
recurse: yes |
mode: 0755 |
owner: "{{ansible_ssh_user|default(ansible_user_id)}}" |
- name: container_download | create local directory for saved/loaded container images |
file: |
path: "{{local_release_dir}}/containers" |
state: directory |
recurse: yes |
delegate_to: localhost |
delegate_facts: false |
become: false |
run_once: true |
when: |
- download_run_once |
- download_delegate == 'localhost' |
tags: |
- localhost |
@ -1,218 +1,24 @@ |
--- |
- name: file_download | Create dest directories |
file: |
path: "{{local_release_dir}}/{{download.dest|dirname}}" |
state: directory |
recurse: yes |
- import_tasks: download_prep.yml |
when: |
- download.enabled|bool |
- not download.container|bool |
tags: |
- bootstrap-os |
- not skip_downloads|default(false) |
- name: file_download | Download item |
get_url: |
url: "{{download.url}}" |
dest: "{{local_release_dir}}/{{download.dest}}" |
sha256sum: "{{download.sha256 | default(omit)}}" |
owner: "{{ download.owner|default(omit) }}" |
mode: "{{ download.mode|default(omit) }}" |
register: get_url_result |
until: "'OK' in get_url_result.msg or 'file already exists' in get_url_result.msg" |
retries: 4 |
delay: "{{ retry_stagger | random + 3 }}" |
environment: "{{ proxy_env }}" |
- name: "Download items" |
include: "download_{% if download.container %}container{% else %}file{% endif %}.yml" |
vars: |
download: "{{ download_defaults | combine(item.value) }}" |
with_dict: "{{ downloads }}" |
when: |
- download.enabled|bool |
- not download.container|bool |
- not skip_downloads|default(false) |
- item.enabled |
- name: file_download | Extract archives |
unarchive: |
src: "{{ local_release_dir }}/{{download.dest}}" |
dest: "{{ local_release_dir }}/{{download.dest|dirname}}" |
owner: "{{ download.owner|default(omit) }}" |
mode: "{{ download.mode|default(omit) }}" |
copy: no |
- name: "Sync container" |
include: sync_container.yml |
vars: |
download: "{{ download_defaults | combine(item.value) }}" |
with_dict: "{{ downloads }}" |
when: |
- download.enabled|bool |
- not download.container|bool |
- download.unarchive|default(False) |
- name: file_download | Fix permissions |
file: |
state: file |
path: "{{local_release_dir}}/{{download.dest}}" |
owner: "{{ download.owner|default(omit) }}" |
mode: "{{ download.mode|default(omit) }}" |
when: |
- download.enabled|bool |
- not download.container|bool |
- (download.unarchive is not defined or download.unarchive == False) |
- set_fact: |
download_delegate: "{% if download_localhost|bool %}localhost{% else %}{{groups['kube-master'][0]}}{% endif %}" |
run_once: true |
tags: |
- facts |
- name: container_download | Create dest directory for saved/loaded container images |
file: |
path: "{{local_release_dir}}/containers" |
state: directory |
recurse: yes |
mode: 0755 |
owner: "{{ansible_ssh_user|default(ansible_user_id)}}" |
when: |
- download.enabled|bool |
- download.container|bool |
tags: |
- bootstrap-os |
# This is required for the download_localhost delegate to work smooth with Container Linux by CoreOS cluster nodes |
- name: container_download | Hack python binary path for localhost |
raw: sh -c "mkdir -p /opt/bin; ln -sf /usr/bin/python /opt/bin/python" |
delegate_to: localhost |
when: download_delegate == 'localhost' |
failed_when: false |
tags: |
- localhost |
- name: container_download | create local directory for saved/loaded container images |
file: |
path: "{{local_release_dir}}/containers" |
state: directory |
recurse: yes |
delegate_to: localhost |
become: false |
run_once: true |
when: |
- download_run_once|bool |
- download.enabled|bool |
- download.container|bool |
- download_delegate == 'localhost' |
tags: |
- localhost |
- name: container_download | Make download decision if pull is required by tag or sha256 |
include: set_docker_image_facts.yml |
when: |
- download.enabled|bool |
- download.container|bool |
delegate_to: "{{ download_delegate if download_run_once|bool or omit }}" |
run_once: "{{ download_run_once|bool }}" |
tags: |
- facts |
- name: container_download | Download containers if pull is required or told to always pull |
command: "{{ docker_bin_dir }}/docker pull {{ pull_args }}" |
register: pull_task_result |
until: pull_task_result|succeeded |
retries: 4 |
delay: "{{ retry_stagger | random + 3 }}" |
environment: "{{ proxy_env }}" |
when: |
- download.enabled|bool |
- download.container|bool |
- pull_required|bool|default(download_always_pull) |
delegate_to: "{{ download_delegate if download_run_once|bool or omit }}" |
run_once: "{{ download_run_once|bool }}" |
- set_fact: |
fname: "{{local_release_dir}}/containers/{{download.repo|regex_replace('/|\0|:', '_')}}:{{download.tag|default(download.sha256)|regex_replace('/|\0|:', '_')}}.tar" |
run_once: true |
tags: |
- facts |
- name: "container_download | Set default value for 'container_changed' to false" |
set_fact: |
container_changed: "{{pull_required|default(false)|bool}}" |
- name: "container_download | Update the 'container_changed' fact" |
set_fact: |
container_changed: "{{ pull_required|bool|default(false) or not 'up to date' in pull_task_result.stdout }}" |
when: |
- download.enabled|bool |
- download.container|bool |
- pull_required|bool|default(download_always_pull) |
run_once: "{{ download_run_once|bool }}" |
tags: |
- facts |
- name: container_download | Stat saved container image |
stat: |
path: "{{fname}}" |
register: img |
changed_when: false |
when: |
- download.enabled|bool |
- download.container|bool |
- download_run_once|bool |
delegate_to: "{{ download_delegate }}" |
become: false |
run_once: true |
tags: |
- facts |
- name: container_download | save container images |
shell: "{{ docker_bin_dir }}/docker save {{ pull_args }} | gzip -{{ download_compress }} > {{ fname }}" |
delegate_to: "{{ download_delegate }}" |
register: saved |
run_once: true |
when: |
- (not ansible_os_family in ["CoreOS", "Container Linux by CoreOS"] or download_delegate == "localhost") |
- download_run_once|bool |
- download.enabled|bool |
- download.container|bool |
- (container_changed|bool or not img.stat.exists) |
- name: container_download | copy container images to ansible host |
synchronize: |
src: "{{ fname }}" |
dest: "{{ fname }}" |
use_ssh_args: yes |
mode: pull |
delegate_to: localhost |
become: false |
when: |
- not ansible_os_family in ["CoreOS", "Container Linux by CoreOS"] |
- inventory_hostname == groups['kube-master'][0] |
- download_delegate != "localhost" |
- download_run_once|bool |
- download.enabled|bool |
- download.container|bool |
- saved.changed |
- name: container_download | upload container images to nodes |
synchronize: |
src: "{{ fname }}" |
dest: "{{ fname }}" |
use_ssh_args: yes |
mode: push |
delegate_to: localhost |
become: false |
register: get_task |
until: get_task|succeeded |
retries: 4 |
delay: "{{ retry_stagger | random + 3 }}" |
when: |
- (not ansible_os_family in ["CoreOS", "Container Linux by CoreOS"] and |
inventory_hostname != groups['kube-master'][0] or |
download_delegate == "localhost") |
- download_run_once|bool |
- download.enabled|bool |
- download.container|bool |
tags: |
- upload |
- upgrade |
- name: container_download | load container images |
shell: "{{ docker_bin_dir }}/docker load < {{ fname }}" |
when: |
- (not ansible_os_family in ["CoreOS", "Container Linux by CoreOS"] and |
inventory_hostname != groups['kube-master'][0] or download_delegate == "localhost") |
- download_run_once|bool |
- download.enabled|bool |
- download.container|bool |
tags: |
- upload |
- upgrade |
- not skip_downloads|default(false) |
- item.enabled |
- item.container |
- download_run_once |
@ -0,0 +1,114 @@ |
--- |
- set_fact: |
fname: "{{local_release_dir}}/containers/{{download.repo|regex_replace('/|\0|:', '_')}}:{{download.tag|default(download.sha256)|regex_replace('/|\0|:', '_')}}.tar" |
run_once: true |
when: |
- download.enabled |
- download.container |
- download_run_once |
tags: |
- facts |
- name: "container_download | Set default value for 'container_changed' to false" |
set_fact: |
container_changed: "{{pull_required|default(false)}}" |
when: |
- download.enabled |
- download.container |
- download_run_once |
- name: "container_download | Update the 'container_changed' fact" |
set_fact: |
container_changed: "{{ pull_required|default(false) or not 'up to date' in pull_task_result.stdout }}" |
when: |
- download.enabled |
- download.container |
- download_run_once |
- pull_required|default(download_always_pull) |
run_once: "{{ download_run_once }}" |
tags: |
- facts |
- name: container_download | Stat saved container image |
stat: |
path: "{{fname}}" |
register: img |
changed_when: false |
delegate_to: "{{ download_delegate }}" |
delegate_facts: no |
become: false |
run_once: true |
when: |
- download.enabled |
- download.container |
- download_run_once |
tags: |
- facts |
- name: container_download | save container images |
shell: "{{ docker_bin_dir }}/docker save {{ pull_args }} | gzip -{{ download_compress }} > {{ fname }}" |
delegate_to: "{{ download_delegate }}" |
delegate_facts: no |
register: saved |
run_once: true |
when: |
- download.enabled |
- download.container |
- download_run_once |
- (ansible_os_family not in ["CoreOS", "Container Linux by CoreOS"] or download_delegate == "localhost") |
- (container_changed or not img.stat.exists) |
- name: container_download | copy container images to ansible host |
synchronize: |
src: "{{ fname }}" |
dest: "{{ fname }}" |
use_ssh_args: yes |
mode: pull |
delegate_to: localhost |
delegate_facts: no |
run_once: true |
become: false |
when: |
- download.enabled |
- download.container |
- download_run_once |
- ansible_os_family not in ["CoreOS", "Container Linux by CoreOS"] |
- inventory_hostname == download_delegate |
- download_delegate != "localhost" |
- saved.changed |
- name: container_download | upload container images to nodes |
synchronize: |
src: "{{ fname }}" |
dest: "{{ fname }}" |
use_ssh_args: yes |
mode: push |
delegate_to: localhost |
delegate_facts: no |
become: false |
register: get_task |
until: get_task|succeeded |
retries: 4 |
delay: "{{ retry_stagger | random + 3 }}" |
when: |
- download.enabled |
- download.container |
- download_run_once |
- (ansible_os_family not in ["CoreOS", "Container Linux by CoreOS"] and |
inventory_hostname != download_delegate or |
download_delegate == "localhost") |
tags: |
- upload |
- upgrade |
- name: container_download | load container images |
shell: "{{ docker_bin_dir }}/docker load < {{ fname }}" |
when: |
- download.enabled |
- download.container |
- download_run_once |
- (ansible_os_family not in ["CoreOS", "Container Linux by CoreOS"] and |
inventory_hostname != download_delegate or download_delegate == "localhost") |
tags: |
- upload |
- upgrade |
@ -1,7 +1,4 @@ |
--- |
dependencies: |
- role: download |
file: "{{ downloads.elasticsearch }}" |
# TODO: bradbeam add in curator |
# |
# - role: download |
@ -1,4 +0,0 @@ |
--- |
dependencies: |
- role: download |
file: "{{ downloads.fluentd }}" |
@ -1,4 +0,0 @@ |
--- |
dependencies: |
- role: download |
file: "{{ downloads.kibana }}" |
@ -1,6 +0,0 @@ |
--- |
dependencies: |
- role: download |
file: "{{ downloads.helm }}" |
- role: download |
file: "{{ downloads.tiller }}" |
@ -1,4 +0,0 @@ |
--- |
dependencies: |
- role: download |
file: "{{ downloads.istioctl }}" |
@ -1,7 +0,0 @@ |
--- |
dependencies: |
- role: download |
file: "{{ downloads.hyperkube }}" |
tags: |
- download |
- hyperkube |
@ -1,91 +1,6 @@ |
--- |
dependencies: |
- role: download |
file: "{{ downloads.hyperkube }}" |
tags: |
- download |
- hyperkube |
- kubelet |
- network |
- canal |
- calico |
- weave |
- kube-controller-manager |
- kube-scheduler |
- kube-apiserver |
- kube-proxy |
- kubectl |
- role: download |
file: "{{ downloads.pod_infra }}" |
tags: |
- download |
- kubelet |
- role: download |
file: "{{ downloads.install_socat }}" |
when: ansible_os_family in ['CoreOS', 'Container Linux by CoreOS'] |
tags: |
- download |
- kubelet |
- role: download |
file: "{{ downloads.kubeadm }}" |
when: kubeadm_enabled |
tags: |
- download |
- kubelet |
- kubeadm |
- role: kubernetes/secrets |
when: not kubeadm_enabled |
tags: |
- k8s-secrets |
- role: download |
file: "{{ downloads.nginx }}" |
tags: |
- download |
- nginx |
- role: download |
file: "{{ downloads.testbox }}" |
tags: |
- download |
- role: download |
file: "{{ downloads.netcheck_server }}" |
when: deploy_netchecker |
tags: |
- download |
- netchecker |
- role: download |
file: "{{ downloads.netcheck_agent }}" |
when: deploy_netchecker |
tags: |
- download |
- netchecker |
- role: download |
file: "{{ downloads.kubedns }}" |
tags: |
- download |
- dnsmasq |
- role: download |
file: "{{ downloads.dnsmasq_nanny }}" |
tags: |
- download |
- dnsmasq |
- role: download |
file: "{{ downloads.dnsmasq_sidecar }}" |
tags: |
- download |
- dnsmasq |
- role: download |
file: "{{ downloads.kubednsautoscaler }}" |
tags: |
- download |
- dnsmasq |
@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ |
--- |
dependencies: |
- role: download |
skip_downloads: true |
tags: |
- facts |
@ -1,21 +0,0 @@ |
--- |
dependencies: |
- role: download |
file: "{{ downloads.calico_cni }}" |
tags: |
- download |
- role: download |
file: "{{ downloads.calico_node }}" |
tags: |
- download |
- role: download |
file: "{{ downloads.calicoctl }}" |
tags: |
- download |
- role: download |
file: "{{ downloads.hyperkube }}" |
tags: |
- download |
@ -1,7 +0,0 @@ |
--- |
dependencies: |
- role: etcd |
- role: docker |
when: not ansible_os_family in ["CoreOS", "Container Linux by CoreOS"] |
- role: download |
file: "{{ downloads.calico_rr }}" |
@ -1,26 +0,0 @@ |
--- |
dependencies: |
- role: download |
file: "{{ downloads.flannel }}" |
tags: |
- download |
- role: download |
file: "{{ downloads.calico_node }}" |
tags: |
- download |
- role: download |
file: "{{ downloads.calicoctl }}" |
tags: |
- download |
- role: download |
file: "{{ downloads.calico_cni }}" |
tags: |
- download |
- role: download |
file: "{{ downloads.calico_policy }}" |
tags: |
- download |
@ -1,11 +0,0 @@ |
--- |
dependencies: |
- role: download |
file: "{{ downloads.flannel }}" |
tags: |
- download |
- role: download |
file: "{{ downloads.flannel_cni }}" |
tags: |
- download |
@ -1,11 +0,0 @@ |
--- |
dependencies: |
- role: download |
file: "{{ downloads.weave_kube }}" |
tags: |
- download |
- role: download |
file: "{{ downloads.weave_npc }}" |
tags: |
- download |
@ -1,10 +1,4 @@ |
--- |
dependencies: |
- role: adduser |
user: "{{ vault_adduser_vars }}" |
- role: download |
file: "{{ vault_download_vars }}" |
tags: |
- download |