* *kubelet_cpu_manager_policy* - If set to `static`, allows pods with certain resource characteristics to be granted increased CPU affinity and exclusivity on the node. And it should be set with `kube_reserved` or `system-reserved`, enable this with the following guide:[Control CPU Management Policies on the Node](https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/administer-cluster/cpu-management-policies/)
* *kubelet_topoloy_manager_policy* - Control the behavior of the allocation of CPU and Memory from different [NUMA](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Non-uniform_memory_access) Nodes. Enable this with the following guide: [Control Topology Management Policies on a node](https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/administer-cluster/topology-manager).
* *kubelet_topology_manager_scope* - The Topology Manager can deal with the alignment of resources in a couple of distinct scopes: `container` and `pod`. See [Topology Manager Scopes](https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/administer-cluster/topology-manager/#topology-manager-scopes).
* *kubelet_systemd_hardening* - If `true`, provides kubelet systemd service with security features for isolation.
**N.B.** To enable this feature, ensure you are using the **`cgroup v2`** on your system. Check it out with command: `sudo ls -l /sys/fs/cgroup/*.slice`. If directory does not exist, enable this with the following guide: [enable cgroup v2](https://rootlesscontaine.rs/getting-started/common/cgroup2/#enabling-cgroup-v2).