{% if kubernetes_audit or kube_basic_auth|default(true) or kube_token_auth|default(true) %}
{% if kubernetes_audit or kube_basic_auth|default(true) or kube_token_auth|default(true) or apiserver_extra_volumes or (cloud_provider is defined and cloud_provider in ["openstack", "azure", "vsphere", "aws", "external"]) %}
{% if kube_basic_auth|default(true) %}
- name: basic-auth-config
@ -168,6 +168,17 @@ apiServerExtraVolumes:
mountPath: {{ audit_log_mountpath }}
writable: true
{% endif %}
{% if cloud_provider is defined and cloud_provider in ["openstack", "azure", "vsphere", "aws", "external"] %}
- name: cloud-config
hostPath: {{ kube_config_dir }}/cloud_config
mountPath: {{ kube_config_dir }}/cloud_config
{% endif %}
{% for volume in apiserver_extra_volumes %}
- name: {{ volume.name }}
hostPath: {{ volume.hostPath }}
mountPath: {{ volume.mountPath }}
writable: {{ volume.writable | default(false)}}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% if cloud_provider is defined and cloud_provider in ["openstack", "azure", "vsphere", "aws", "external"] %}