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Merge pull request #852 from intelsdi-x/issue_template

Issue template proposal
Bogdan Dobrelya 7 years ago
committed by GitHub
1 changed files with 47 additions and 0 deletions
  1. 47


@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
<!-- Thanks for filing an issue! Before hitting the button, please answer these questions.-->
**Is this a BUG REPORT or FEATURE REQUEST?** (choose one):
If this is a BUG REPORT, please:
- Fill in as much of the template below as you can. If you leave out
information, we can't help you as well.
If this is a FEATURE REQUEST, please:
- Describe *in detail* the feature/behavior/change you'd like to see.
In both cases, be ready for followup questions, and please respond in a timely
manner. If we can't reproduce a bug or think a feature already exists, we
might close your issue. If we're wrong, PLEASE feel free to reopen it and
explain why.
- **Cloud provider or hardware configuration:**
- **OS (`printf "$(uname -srm)\n$(cat /etc/os-release)\n"`):**
- **Version of Ansible** (`ansible --version`):
**Kargo version (commit) (`git rev-parse --short HEAD`):**
**Network plugin used**:
**Copy of your inventory file:**
**Command used to invoke ansible**:
**Output of ansible run**:
<!-- We recommend using snippets services like etc. -->
**Anything else do we need to know**:
<!-- By running scripts/collect-info.yaml you can get a lot of useful informations.
Script can be started by:
ansible-playbook -i <inventory_file_path> -u <ssh_user> -e ansible_ssh_user=<ssh_user> -b --become-user=root -e dir=`pwd` scripts/collect-info.yaml
(If you using CoreOS remember to add '-e ansible_python_interpreter=/opt/bin/python').
After running this command you can find logs in `pwd`/logs.tar.gz. You can even upload somewhere entire file and paste link here.-->