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Added terraform support for NIFCLOUD (#10227)
Added terraform support for NIFCLOUD (#10227)
* Add NIFCLOUD * Add tf-validate-nifcloud in gitlab-cipull/10226/head
committed by
No known key found for this signature in database
15 changed files with 844 additions and 0 deletions
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@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ |
*.tfstate* |
.terraform.lock.hcl |
.terraform |
sample-inventory/inventory.ini |
@ -0,0 +1,137 @@ |
# Kubernetes on NIFCLOUD with Terraform |
Provision a Kubernetes cluster on [NIFCLOUD]( using Terraform and Kubespray |
## Overview |
The setup looks like following |
```text |
Kubernetes cluster |
+----------------------------+ |
+---------------+ | +--------------------+ | |
| | | | +--------------------+ | |
| API server LB +---------> | | | | |
| | | | | Control Plane/etcd | | |
+---------------+ | | | node(s) | | |
| +-+ | | |
| +--------------------+ | |
| ^ | |
| | | |
| v | |
| +--------------------+ | |
| | +--------------------+ | |
| | | | | |
| | | Worker | | |
| | | node(s) | | |
| +-+ | | |
| +--------------------+ | |
+----------------------------+ |
``` |
## Requirements |
* Terraform 1.3.7 |
## Quickstart |
### Export Variables |
* Your NIFCLOUD credentials: |
```bash |
``` |
* The SSH KEY used to connect to the instance: |
* FYI: [Cloud Help(SSH Key)]( |
```bash |
``` |
* The IP address to connect to bastion server: |
```bash |
export TF_VAR_working_instance_ip=$(curl |
``` |
### Create The Infrastructure |
* Run terraform: |
```bash |
terraform init |
terraform apply -var-file ./sample-inventory/cluster.tfvars |
``` |
### Setup The Kubernetes |
* Generate cluster configuration file: |
```bash |
./ > sample-inventory/inventory.ini |
* Export Variables: |
```bash |
BASTION_IP=$(terraform output -json | jq -r '.kubernetes_cluster.value.bastion_info | to_entries[].value.public_ip') |
API_LB_IP=$(terraform output -json | jq -r '.kubernetes_cluster.value.control_plane_lb') |
CP01_IP=$(terraform output -json | jq -r '.kubernetes_cluster.value.control_plane_info | to_entries[0].value.private_ip') |
export ANSIBLE_SSH_ARGS="-o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o ProxyCommand=\"ssh root@${BASTION_IP} -W %h:%p\"" |
``` |
* Set ssh-agent" |
```bash |
eval `ssh-agent` |
``` |
* Run cluster.yml playbook: |
```bash |
cd ./../../../ |
ansible-playbook -i contrib/terraform/nifcloud/inventory/inventory.ini cluster.yml |
``` |
### Connecting to Kubernetes |
* [Install kubectl]( on the localhost |
* Fetching kubeconfig file: |
```bash |
mkdir -p ~/.kube |
scp -o ProxyCommand="ssh root@${BASTION_IP} -W %h:%p" root@${CP01_IP}:/etc/kubernetes/admin.conf ~/.kube/config |
``` |
* Rewrite /etc/hosts |
```bash |
sudo echo "${API_LB_IP} lb-apiserver.kubernetes.local" >> /etc/hosts |
``` |
* Run kubectl |
```bash |
kubectl get node |
``` |
## Variables |
* `region`: Region where to run the cluster |
* `az`: Availability zone where to run the cluster |
* `private_ip_bn`: Private ip address of bastion server |
* `private_network_cidr`: Subnet of private network |
* `instances_cp`: Machine to provision as Control Plane. Key of this object will be used as part of the machine' name |
* `private_ip`: private ip address of machine |
* `instances_wk`: Machine to provision as Worker Node. Key of this object will be used as part of the machine' name |
* `private_ip`: private ip address of machine |
* `instance_key_name`: The key name of the Key Pair to use for the instance |
* `instance_type_bn`: The instance type of bastion server |
* `instance_type_wk`: The instance type of worker node |
* `instance_type_cp`: The instance type of control plane |
* `image_name`: OS image used for the instance |
* `working_instance_ip`: The IP address to connect to bastion server |
* `accounting_type`: Accounting type. (1: monthly, 2: pay per use) |
@ -0,0 +1,64 @@ |
#!/bin/bash |
# |
# Generates a inventory file based on the terraform output. |
# After provisioning a cluster, simply run this command and supply the terraform state file |
# Default state file is terraform.tfstate |
# |
set -e |
TF_OUT=$(terraform output -json) |
CONTROL_PLANES=$(jq -r '.kubernetes_cluster.value.control_plane_info | to_entries[]' <(echo "${TF_OUT}")) |
WORKERS=$(jq -r '.kubernetes_cluster.value.worker_info | to_entries[]' <(echo "${TF_OUT}")) |
mapfile -t CONTROL_PLANE_NAMES < <(jq -r '.key' <(echo "${CONTROL_PLANES}")) |
mapfile -t WORKER_NAMES < <(jq -r '.key' <(echo "${WORKERS}")) |
API_LB=$(jq -r '.kubernetes_cluster.value.control_plane_lb' <(echo "${TF_OUT}")) |
echo "[all]" |
# Generate control plane hosts |
i=1 |
for name in "${CONTROL_PLANE_NAMES[@]}"; do |
private_ip=$(jq -r '. | select( .key=='"\"${name}\""' ) | .value.private_ip' <(echo "${CONTROL_PLANES}")) |
echo "${name} ansible_user=root ansible_host=${private_ip} access_ip=${private_ip} ip=${private_ip} etcd_member_name=etcd${i}" |
i=$(( i + 1 )) |
done |
# Generate worker hosts |
for name in "${WORKER_NAMES[@]}"; do |
private_ip=$(jq -r '. | select( .key=='"\"${name}\""' ) | .value.private_ip' <(echo "${WORKERS}")) |
echo "${name} ansible_user=root ansible_host=${private_ip} access_ip=${private_ip} ip=${private_ip}" |
done |
API_LB=$(jq -r '.kubernetes_cluster.value.control_plane_lb' <(echo "${TF_OUT}")) |
echo "" |
echo "[all:vars]" |
echo "upstream_dns_servers=['','']" |
echo "loadbalancer_apiserver={'address':'${API_LB}','port':'6443'}" |
echo "" |
echo "[kube_control_plane]" |
for name in "${CONTROL_PLANE_NAMES[@]}"; do |
echo "${name}" |
done |
echo "" |
echo "[etcd]" |
for name in "${CONTROL_PLANE_NAMES[@]}"; do |
echo "${name}" |
done |
echo "" |
echo "[kube_node]" |
for name in "${WORKER_NAMES[@]}"; do |
echo "${name}" |
done |
echo "" |
echo "[k8s_cluster:children]" |
echo "kube_control_plane" |
echo "kube_node" |
@ -0,0 +1,36 @@ |
provider "nifcloud" { |
region = var.region |
} |
module "kubernetes_cluster" { |
source = "./modules/kubernetes-cluster" |
availability_zone = |
prefix = "dev" |
private_network_cidr = var.private_network_cidr |
instance_key_name = var.instance_key_name |
instances_cp = var.instances_cp |
instances_wk = var.instances_wk |
image_name = var.image_name |
instance_type_bn = var.instance_type_bn |
instance_type_cp = var.instance_type_cp |
instance_type_wk = var.instance_type_wk |
private_ip_bn = var.private_ip_bn |
additional_lb_filter = [var.working_instance_ip] |
} |
resource "nifcloud_security_group_rule" "ssh_from_bastion" { |
security_group_names = [ |
module.kubernetes_cluster.security_group_name.bastion |
] |
type = "IN" |
from_port = 22 |
to_port = 22 |
protocol = "TCP" |
cidr_ip = var.working_instance_ip |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,301 @@ |
################################################# |
## |
## Local variables |
## |
locals { |
# e.g. east-11 is 11 |
az_num = reverse(split("-", var.availability_zone))[0] |
# e.g. east-11 is e11 |
az_short_name = "${substr(reverse(split("-", var.availability_zone))[1], 0, 1)}${local.az_num}" |
# Port used by the protocol |
port_ssh = 22 |
port_kubectl = 6443 |
port_kubelet = 10250 |
# calico: |
port_bgp = 179 |
port_vxlan = 4789 |
port_etcd = 2379 |
} |
################################################# |
## |
## General |
## |
# data |
data "nifcloud_image" "this" { |
image_name = var.image_name |
} |
# private lan |
resource "nifcloud_private_lan" "this" { |
private_lan_name = "${var.prefix}lan" |
availability_zone = var.availability_zone |
cidr_block = var.private_network_cidr |
accounting_type = var.accounting_type |
} |
################################################# |
## |
## Bastion |
## |
resource "nifcloud_security_group" "bn" { |
group_name = "${var.prefix}bn" |
description = "${var.prefix} bastion" |
availability_zone = var.availability_zone |
} |
resource "nifcloud_instance" "bn" { |
instance_id = "${local.az_short_name}${var.prefix}bn01" |
security_group = |
instance_type = var.instance_type_bn |
user_data = templatefile("${path.module}/templates/userdata.tftpl", { |
private_ip_address = var.private_ip_bn |
ssh_port = local.port_ssh |
hostname = "${local.az_short_name}${var.prefix}bn01" |
}) |
availability_zone = var.availability_zone |
accounting_type = var.accounting_type |
image_id = data.nifcloud_image.this.image_id |
key_name = var.instance_key_name |
network_interface { |
network_id = "net-COMMON_GLOBAL" |
} |
network_interface { |
network_id = nifcloud_private_lan.this.network_id |
ip_address = "static" |
} |
# The image_id changes when the OS image type is demoted from standard to public. |
lifecycle { |
ignore_changes = [ |
image_id, |
user_data, |
] |
} |
} |
################################################# |
## |
## Control Plane |
## |
resource "nifcloud_security_group" "cp" { |
group_name = "${var.prefix}cp" |
description = "${var.prefix} control plane" |
availability_zone = var.availability_zone |
} |
resource "nifcloud_instance" "cp" { |
for_each = var.instances_cp |
instance_id = "${local.az_short_name}${var.prefix}${each.key}" |
security_group = nifcloud_security_group.cp.group_name |
instance_type = var.instance_type_cp |
user_data = templatefile("${path.module}/templates/userdata.tftpl", { |
private_ip_address = each.value.private_ip |
ssh_port = local.port_ssh |
hostname = "${local.az_short_name}${var.prefix}${each.key}" |
}) |
availability_zone = var.availability_zone |
accounting_type = var.accounting_type |
image_id = data.nifcloud_image.this.image_id |
key_name = var.instance_key_name |
network_interface { |
network_id = "net-COMMON_GLOBAL" |
} |
network_interface { |
network_id = nifcloud_private_lan.this.network_id |
ip_address = "static" |
} |
# The image_id changes when the OS image type is demoted from standard to public. |
lifecycle { |
ignore_changes = [ |
image_id, |
user_data, |
] |
} |
} |
resource "nifcloud_load_balancer" "this" { |
load_balancer_name = "${local.az_short_name}${var.prefix}cp" |
accounting_type = var.accounting_type |
balancing_type = 1 // Round-Robin |
load_balancer_port = local.port_kubectl |
instance_port = local.port_kubectl |
instances = [for v in nifcloud_instance.cp : v.instance_id] |
filter = concat( |
[for k, v in nifcloud_instance.cp : v.public_ip], |
[for k, v in nifcloud_instance.wk : v.public_ip], |
var.additional_lb_filter, |
) |
filter_type = 1 // Allow |
} |
################################################# |
## |
## Worker |
## |
resource "nifcloud_security_group" "wk" { |
group_name = "${var.prefix}wk" |
description = "${var.prefix} worker" |
availability_zone = var.availability_zone |
} |
resource "nifcloud_instance" "wk" { |
for_each = var.instances_wk |
instance_id = "${local.az_short_name}${var.prefix}${each.key}" |
security_group = nifcloud_security_group.wk.group_name |
instance_type = var.instance_type_wk |
user_data = templatefile("${path.module}/templates/userdata.tftpl", { |
private_ip_address = each.value.private_ip |
ssh_port = local.port_ssh |
hostname = "${local.az_short_name}${var.prefix}${each.key}" |
}) |
availability_zone = var.availability_zone |
accounting_type = var.accounting_type |
image_id = data.nifcloud_image.this.image_id |
key_name = var.instance_key_name |
network_interface { |
network_id = "net-COMMON_GLOBAL" |
} |
network_interface { |
network_id = nifcloud_private_lan.this.network_id |
ip_address = "static" |
} |
# The image_id changes when the OS image type is demoted from standard to public. |
lifecycle { |
ignore_changes = [ |
image_id, |
user_data, |
] |
} |
} |
################################################# |
## |
## Security Group Rule: Kubernetes |
## |
# ssh |
resource "nifcloud_security_group_rule" "ssh_from_bastion" { |
security_group_names = [ |
nifcloud_security_group.wk.group_name, |
nifcloud_security_group.cp.group_name, |
] |
type = "IN" |
from_port = local.port_ssh |
to_port = local.port_ssh |
protocol = "TCP" |
source_security_group_name = |
} |
# kubectl |
resource "nifcloud_security_group_rule" "kubectl_from_worker" { |
security_group_names = [ |
nifcloud_security_group.cp.group_name, |
] |
type = "IN" |
from_port = local.port_kubectl |
to_port = local.port_kubectl |
protocol = "TCP" |
source_security_group_name = nifcloud_security_group.wk.group_name |
} |
# kubelet |
resource "nifcloud_security_group_rule" "kubelet_from_worker" { |
security_group_names = [ |
nifcloud_security_group.cp.group_name, |
] |
type = "IN" |
from_port = local.port_kubelet |
to_port = local.port_kubelet |
protocol = "TCP" |
source_security_group_name = nifcloud_security_group.wk.group_name |
} |
resource "nifcloud_security_group_rule" "kubelet_from_control_plane" { |
security_group_names = [ |
nifcloud_security_group.wk.group_name, |
] |
type = "IN" |
from_port = local.port_kubelet |
to_port = local.port_kubelet |
protocol = "TCP" |
source_security_group_name = nifcloud_security_group.cp.group_name |
} |
################################################# |
## |
## Security Group Rule: calico |
## |
# vslan |
resource "nifcloud_security_group_rule" "vxlan_from_control_plane" { |
security_group_names = [ |
nifcloud_security_group.wk.group_name, |
] |
type = "IN" |
from_port = local.port_vxlan |
to_port = local.port_vxlan |
protocol = "UDP" |
source_security_group_name = nifcloud_security_group.cp.group_name |
} |
resource "nifcloud_security_group_rule" "vxlan_from_worker" { |
security_group_names = [ |
nifcloud_security_group.cp.group_name, |
] |
type = "IN" |
from_port = local.port_vxlan |
to_port = local.port_vxlan |
protocol = "UDP" |
source_security_group_name = nifcloud_security_group.wk.group_name |
} |
# bgp |
resource "nifcloud_security_group_rule" "bgp_from_control_plane" { |
security_group_names = [ |
nifcloud_security_group.wk.group_name, |
] |
type = "IN" |
from_port = local.port_bgp |
to_port = local.port_bgp |
protocol = "TCP" |
source_security_group_name = nifcloud_security_group.cp.group_name |
} |
resource "nifcloud_security_group_rule" "bgp_from_worker" { |
security_group_names = [ |
nifcloud_security_group.cp.group_name, |
] |
type = "IN" |
from_port = local.port_bgp |
to_port = local.port_bgp |
protocol = "TCP" |
source_security_group_name = nifcloud_security_group.wk.group_name |
} |
# etcd |
resource "nifcloud_security_group_rule" "etcd_from_worker" { |
security_group_names = [ |
nifcloud_security_group.cp.group_name, |
] |
type = "IN" |
from_port = local.port_etcd |
to_port = local.port_etcd |
protocol = "TCP" |
source_security_group_name = nifcloud_security_group.wk.group_name |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,48 @@ |
output "control_plane_lb" { |
description = "The DNS name of LB for control plane" |
value = nifcloud_load_balancer.this.dns_name |
} |
output "security_group_name" { |
description = "The security group used in the cluster" |
value = { |
bastion =, |
control_plane = nifcloud_security_group.cp.group_name, |
worker = nifcloud_security_group.wk.group_name, |
} |
} |
output "private_network_id" { |
description = "The private network used in the cluster" |
value = |
} |
output "bastion_info" { |
description = "The basion information in cluster" |
value = { ( : { |
instance_id =, |
unique_id =, |
private_ip =, |
public_ip =, |
} } |
} |
output "worker_info" { |
description = "The worker information in cluster" |
value = { for v in nifcloud_instance.wk : v.instance_id => { |
instance_id = v.instance_id, |
unique_id = v.unique_id, |
private_ip = v.private_ip, |
public_ip = v.public_ip, |
} } |
} |
output "control_plane_info" { |
description = "The control plane information in cluster" |
value = { for v in nifcloud_instance.cp : v.instance_id => { |
instance_id = v.instance_id, |
unique_id = v.unique_id, |
private_ip = v.private_ip, |
public_ip = v.public_ip, |
} } |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,45 @@ |
#!/bin/bash |
################################################# |
## |
## IP Address |
## |
configure_private_ip_address () { |
cat << EOS > /etc/netplan/01-netcfg.yaml |
network: |
version: 2 |
renderer: networkd |
ethernets: |
ens192: |
dhcp4: yes |
dhcp6: yes |
dhcp-identifier: mac |
ens224: |
dhcp4: no |
dhcp6: no |
addresses: [${private_ip_address}] |
netplan apply |
} |
configure_private_ip_address |
################################################# |
## |
## SSH |
## |
configure_ssh_port () { |
sed -i 's/^#*Port [0-9]*/Port ${ssh_port}/' /etc/ssh/sshd_config |
} |
configure_ssh_port |
################################################# |
## |
## Hostname |
## |
hostnamectl set-hostname ${hostname} |
################################################# |
## |
## Disable swap files genereated by systemd-gpt-auto-generator |
## |
systemctl mask "dev-sda3.swap" |
@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ |
terraform { |
required_version = ">=1.3.7" |
required_providers { |
nifcloud = { |
source = "nifcloud/nifcloud" |
version = ">= 1.8.0, < 2.0.0" |
} |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,81 @@ |
variable "availability_zone" { |
description = "The availability zone" |
type = string |
} |
variable "prefix" { |
description = "The prefix for the entire cluster" |
type = string |
validation { |
condition = length(var.prefix) <= 5 |
error_message = "Must be a less than 5 character long." |
} |
} |
variable "private_network_cidr" { |
description = "The subnet of private network" |
type = string |
validation { |
condition = can(cidrnetmask(var.private_network_cidr)) |
error_message = "Must be a valid IPv4 CIDR block address." |
} |
} |
variable "private_ip_bn" { |
description = "Private IP of bastion server" |
type = string |
} |
variable "instances_cp" { |
type = map(object({ |
private_ip = string |
})) |
} |
variable "instances_wk" { |
type = map(object({ |
private_ip = string |
})) |
} |
variable "instance_key_name" { |
description = "The key name of the Key Pair to use for the instance" |
type = string |
} |
variable "instance_type_bn" { |
description = "The instance type of bastion server" |
type = string |
} |
variable "instance_type_wk" { |
description = "The instance type of worker" |
type = string |
} |
variable "instance_type_cp" { |
description = "The instance type of control plane" |
type = string |
} |
variable "image_name" { |
description = "The name of image" |
type = string |
} |
variable "additional_lb_filter" { |
description = "Additional LB filter" |
type = list(string) |
} |
variable "accounting_type" { |
type = string |
default = "1" |
validation { |
condition = anytrue([ |
var.accounting_type == "1", // Monthly |
var.accounting_type == "2", // Pay per use |
]) |
error_message = "Must be a 1 or 2." |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ |
output "kubernetes_cluster" { |
value = module.kubernetes_cluster |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ |
region = "jp-west-1" |
az = "west-11" |
instance_key_name = "deployerkey" |
instance_type_bn = "e-medium" |
instance_type_cp = "e-medium" |
instance_type_wk = "e-medium" |
private_network_cidr = "" |
instances_cp = { |
"cp01" : { private_ip : "" } |
"cp02" : { private_ip : "" } |
"cp03" : { private_ip : "" } |
} |
instances_wk = { |
"wk01" : { private_ip : "" } |
"wk02" : { private_ip : "" } |
} |
private_ip_bn = "" |
image_name = "Ubuntu Server 22.04 LTS" |
@ -0,0 +1 @@ |
../../../../inventory/sample/group_vars |
@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ |
terraform { |
required_version = ">=1.3.7" |
required_providers { |
nifcloud = { |
source = "nifcloud/nifcloud" |
version = "1.8.0" |
} |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,77 @@ |
variable "region" { |
description = "The region" |
type = string |
} |
variable "az" { |
description = "The availability zone" |
type = string |
} |
variable "private_ip_bn" { |
description = "Private IP of bastion server" |
type = string |
} |
variable "private_network_cidr" { |
description = "The subnet of private network" |
type = string |
validation { |
condition = can(cidrnetmask(var.private_network_cidr)) |
error_message = "Must be a valid IPv4 CIDR block address." |
} |
} |
variable "instances_cp" { |
type = map(object({ |
private_ip = string |
})) |
} |
variable "instances_wk" { |
type = map(object({ |
private_ip = string |
})) |
} |
variable "instance_key_name" { |
description = "The key name of the Key Pair to use for the instance" |
type = string |
} |
variable "instance_type_bn" { |
description = "The instance type of bastion server" |
type = string |
} |
variable "instance_type_wk" { |
description = "The instance type of worker" |
type = string |
} |
variable "instance_type_cp" { |
description = "The instance type of control plane" |
type = string |
} |
variable "image_name" { |
description = "The name of image" |
type = string |
} |
variable "working_instance_ip" { |
description = "The IP address to connect to bastion server." |
type = string |
} |
variable "accounting_type" { |
type = string |
default = "2" |
validation { |
condition = anytrue([ |
var.accounting_type == "1", // Monthly |
var.accounting_type == "2", // Pay per use |
]) |
error_message = "Must be a 1 or 2." |
} |
} |