"yq":"https://github.com/mikefarah/yq/releases/download/{version}/checksums-bsd",# see https://github.com/mikefarah/yq/pull/1691 for why we use this url
# TODO: downloads not supported
# youki: no checkusms in releases
# kata: no checksums in releases
# gvisor: sha512 checksums
# crun : PGP signatures
# cri_dockerd: no checksums or signatures
# helm_archive: PGP signatures
# krew_archive: different yaml structure
# calico_crds_archive: different yaml structure
# noarch support -> k8s manifests, helm charts
# different checksum format (needs download role changes)
# different verification methods (gpg, cosign) ( needs download role changes) (or verify the sig in this script and only use the checksum in the playbook)
# perf improvements (async)
# Handle file with multiples hashes, with various formats.