@ -98,46 +98,112 @@ task vars (only for the task) | Unused for roles, but only for helper scripts |
The following tags are defined in playbooks: |
| Tag name | Used for |
|--------------------------|--------- |
| apps | K8s apps definitions |
| azure | Cloud-provider Azure |
| bastion | Setup ssh config for bastion |
| bootstrap-os | Anything related to host OS configuration |
| calico | Network plugin Calico |
| canal | Network plugin Canal |
| cloud-provider | Cloud-provider related tasks |
| docker | Configuring docker for hosts |
| download | Fetching container images to a delegate host |
| etcd | Configuring etcd cluster |
| etcd-pre-upgrade | Upgrading etcd cluster |
| etcd-secrets | Configuring etcd certs/keys |
| etchosts | Configuring /etc/hosts entries for hosts |
| facts | Gathering facts and misc check results |
| flannel | Network plugin flannel |
| gce | Cloud-provider GCP |
| k8s-pre-upgrade | Upgrading K8s cluster |
| k8s-secrets | Configuring K8s certs/keys |
| kube-apiserver | Configuring static pod kube-apiserver |
| kube-controller-manager | Configuring static pod kube-controller-manager |
| kubectl | Installing kubectl and bash completion |
| kubelet | Configuring kubelet service |
| kube-proxy | Configuring static pod kube-proxy |
| kube-scheduler | Configuring static pod kube-scheduler |
| localhost | Special steps for the localhost (ansible runner) |
| master | Configuring K8s master node role |
| netchecker | Installing netchecker K8s app |
| network | Configuring networking plugins for K8s |
| nginx | Configuring LB for kube-apiserver instances |
| node | Configuring K8s minion (compute) node role |
| openstack | Cloud-provider OpenStack |
| preinstall | Preliminary configuration steps |
| resolvconf | Configuring /etc/resolv.conf for hosts/apps |
| upgrade | Upgrading, f.e. container images/binaries |
| upload | Distributing images/binaries across hosts |
| weave | Network plugin Weave |
| ingress_alb | AWS ALB Ingress Controller |
| ambassador | Ambassador Ingress Controller |
| Tag name | Used for |
|--------------------------------|--------- |
| ambassador | Ambassador Ingress Controller |
| annotate | Create kube-router annotation |
| apps | K8s apps definitions |
| asserts | Check tasks for download role |
| aws-ebs-csi-driver | Configuring csi driver: aws-ebs |
| azure-csi-driver | Configuring csi driver: azure |
| bastion | Setup ssh config for bastion |
| bootstrap-os | Anything related to host OS configuration |
| calico | Network plugin Calico |
| calico_rr | Configuring Calico route reflector |
| canal | Network plugin Canal |
| cephfs-provisioner | Configuring CephFS |
| cert-manager | Configuring certificate manager for K8s |
| cilium | Network plugin Cilium |
| cinder-csi-driver | Configuring csi driver: cinder |
| client | Kubernetes clients role |
| cloud-provider | Cloud-provider related tasks |
| cluster-roles | Configuring cluster wide application (psp ...) |
| cni | CNI plugins for Network Plugins |
| containerd | Configuring containerd engine runtime for hosts |
| container_engine_accelerator | Enable nvidia accelerator for runtimes |
| container-engine | Configuring container engines |
| container-runtimes | Configuring container runtimes |
| coredns | Configuring coredns deployment |
| crio | Configuring crio container engine for hosts |
| crun | Configuring crun runtime |
| csi-driver | Configuring csi driver |
| dashboard | Installing and configuring the Kubernetes Dashboard |
| dns | Remove dns entries when resetting |
| docker | Configuring docker engine runtime for hosts |
| download | Fetching container images to a delegate host |
| etcd | Configuring etcd cluster |
| etcd-secrets | Configuring etcd certs/keys |
| etchosts | Configuring /etc/hosts entries for hosts |
| external-cloud-controller | Configure cloud controllers |
| external-openstack | Cloud controller : openstack |
| external-provisioner | Configure external provisioners |
| external-vsphere | Cloud controller : vsphere |
| facts | Gathering facts and misc check results |
| files | Remove files when resetting |
| flannel | Network plugin flannel |
| gce | Cloud-provider GCP |
| gcp-pd-csi-driver | Configuring csi driver: gcp-pd |
| gvisor | Configuring gvisor runtime |
| helm | Installing and configuring Helm |
| ingress-controller | Configure ingress controllers |
| ingress_alb | AWS ALB Ingress Controller |
| init | Windows kubernetes init nodes |
| iptables | Flush and clear iptable when resetting |
| k8s-pre-upgrade | Upgrading K8s cluster |
| k8s-secrets | Configuring K8s certs/keys |
| k8s-gen-tokens | Configuring K8s tokens |
| kata-containers | Configuring kata-containers runtime |
| krew | Install and manage krew |
| kubeadm | Roles linked to kubeadm tasks |
| kube-apiserver | Configuring static pod kube-apiserver |
| kube-controller-manager | Configuring static pod kube-controller-manager |
| kubectl | Installing kubectl and bash completion |
| kubelet | Configuring kubelet service |
| kube-ovn | Network plugin kube-ovn |
| kube-router | Network plugin kube-router |
| kube-proxy | Configuring static pod kube-proxy |
| localhost | Special steps for the localhost (ansible runner) |
| local-path-provisioner | Configure External provisioner: local-path |
| local-volume-provisioner | Configure External provisioner: local-volume |
| macvlan | Network plugin macvlan |
| master | Configuring K8s master node role |
| metallb | Installing and configuring metallb |
| metrics_server | Configuring metrics_server |
| netchecker | Installing netchecker K8s app |
| network | Configuring networking plugins for K8s |
| mounts | Umount kubelet dirs when reseting |
| multus | Network plugin multus |
| nginx | Configuring LB for kube-apiserver instances |
| node | Configuring K8s minion (compute) node role |
| nodelocaldns | Configuring nodelocaldns daemonset |
| node-label | Tasks linked to labeling of nodes |
| node-webhook | Tasks linked to webhook (grating access to resources) |
| nvidia_gpu | Enable nvidia accelerator for runtimes |
| oci | Cloud provider: oci |
| ovn4nfv | Network plugin ovn4nfv |
| persistent_volumes | Configure csi volumes |
| persistent_volumes_aws_ebs_csi | Configuring csi driver: aws-ebs |
| persistent_volumes_cinder_csi | Configuring csi driver: cinder |
| persistent_volumes_gcp_pd_csi | Configuring csi driver: gcp-pd |
| persistent_volumes_openstack | Configuring csi driver: openstack |
| policy-controller | Configuring Calico policy controller |
| post-remove | Tasks running post-remove operation |
| post-upgrade | Tasks running post-upgrade operation |
| pre-remove | Tasks running pre-remove operation |
| pre-upgrade | Tasks running pre-upgrade operation |
| preinstall | Preliminary configuration steps |
| registry | Configuring local docker registry |
| reset | Tasks running doing the node reset |
| resolvconf | Configuring /etc/resolv.conf for hosts/apps |
| rbd-provisioner | Configure External provisioner: rdb |
| services | Remove services (etcd, kubelet etc...) when resetting |
| snapshot | Enabling csi snapshot |
| snapshot-controller | Configuring csi snapshot controller |
| upgrade | Upgrading, f.e. container images/binaries |
| upload | Distributing images/binaries across hosts |
| vsphere-csi-driver | Configuring csi driver: vsphere |
| weave | Network plugin Weave |
| win_nodes | Running windows specific tasks |
Note: Use the ``bash scripts/gen_tags.sh`` command to generate a list of all |
tags found in the codebase. New tags will be listed with the empty "Used for" |