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Packet docs (#4160)
Packet docs (#4160)
* Create * Update * Update * Update download the latest version * Update packet.mdpull/4305/head
5 years ago
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Kubernetes Prow Robot
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Packet Host |
=============== |
Kubespray provides support for bare metal deployments using the [Packet Host bare metal cloud]( |
Deploying upon bare metal allows Kubernetes to run at locations where an existing public or private cloud might not exist such |
as cell tower, edge collocated installations. The deployment mechanism used by Kubespray for Packet is similar to that used for |
AWS and OpenStack clouds (notably using Terraform to deploy the infrastructure). Terraform uses the Packet provider plugin |
to provision and configure hosts which are then used by the Kubespray Ansible playbooks. The Ansible inventory is generated |
dynamically from the Terraform state file. |
## Local Host Configuration |
To perform this installation, you will need a localhost to run Terraform/Ansible (laptop, VM, etc) and an account with Packet Host. |
In this example, we're using an m1.large CentOS 7 OpenStack VM as the localhost to kickoff the Kubernetes installation. |
You'll need Ansible, Git, and PIP. |
```bash |
sudo yum install epel-release |
sudo yum install ansible |
sudo yum install git |
sudo yum install python-pip |
``` |
## Playbook SSH Key |
An SSH key is needed by Kubespray/Ansible to run the playbooks. |
This key is installed into the bare metal hosts during the Terraform deployment. |
You can generate a key new key or use an existing one. |
```bash |
ssh-keygen -f ~/.ssh/id_rsa |
``` |
## Install Terraform |
Terraform is required to deploy the bare metal infrastructure. The steps below are for installing on CentOS 7. |
[More terraform installation options are available.]( |
Grab the latest version of Terraform and install it. |
```bash |
echo "$(curl -s | jq -r -M '.current_version')/terraform_$(curl -s | jq -r -M '.current_version')" |
sudo yum install unzip |
sudo unzip -d /usr/local/bin/ |
``` |
## Download Kubespray |
Pull over Kubespray and setup any required libraries. |
```bash |
git clone |
cd kubespray |
sudo pip install -r requirements.txt |
``` |
## Cluster Definition |
In this example, a new cluster called "alpha" will be created. |
```bash |
cp -LRp contrib/terraform/packet/sample-inventory inventory/alpha |
cd inventory/alpha/ |
ln -s ../../contrib/terraform/packet/hosts |
``` |
Details about the cluster, such as the name, as well as the authentication tokens and project ID |
for Packet need to be defined. To find these values see [Packet API Integration]( |
```bash |
vi |
``` |
* cluster_name = alpha |
* packet_project_id = ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ123456 |
* public_key_path = 12345678-90AB-CDEF-GHIJ-KLMNOPQRSTUV |
## Deploy Bare Metal Hosts |
Initializing Terraform will pull down any necessary plugins/providers. |
```bash |
terraform init ../../contrib/terraform/packet/ |
``` |
Run Terraform to deploy the hardware. |
```bash |
terraform apply ../../contrib/terraform/packet |
``` |
## Run Kubespray Playbooks |
With the bare metal infrastructure deployed, Kubespray can now install Kubernetes and setup the cluster. |
```bash |
ansible-playbook --become -i inventory/alpha/hosts cluster.yml |
``` |