@ -3,41 +3,65 @@ |
become: false |
gather_facts: no |
vars: |
expire: 72000 |
tasks: |
- name: Generate uniq bucket name prefix |
shell: date +%s | sha256sum | base64 | head -c 32 |
register: out |
- name: replace_test_id |
set_fact: |
test_name: "{{ test_id | regex_replace('\\.', '-') }}" |
test_name: "kargo-{{ commit }}-{{ pr }}-{{ out.stdout|lower }}-{{ test_id | regex_replace('\\.', '-') }}" |
- name: Create a bucket |
gc_storage: |
bucket: "{{ test_name }}" |
mode: create |
expiration: "{{ expire }}" |
permission: private |
gs_access_key: gs_key |
gs_secret_key: gs_skey |
gs_access_key: "{{ gs_key }}" |
gs_secret_key: "{{ gs_skey }}" |
no_log: True |
- name: Download gsutil cp installer |
get_url: |
url: https://dl.google.com/dl/cloudsdk/channels/rapid/install_google_cloud_sdk.bash |
dest: /tmp/gcp-installer.sh |
- name: Get gsutil tool |
script: /tmp/gcp-installer.sh |
environment: |
no_log: True |
- name: Create a lifecycle template for the bucket |
file: src=gcs_life.json path=/tmp/gcs_life.json |
- name: Hack the boto config for GCS access keys |
lineinfile: |
dest: .boto |
line: "gs_access_key_id = {{ gs_key }}" |
regexp: "^#gs_access_key_id = .*$" |
no_log: True |
- name: Hack the boto config for GCS secret access keys |
lineinfile: |
dest: .boto |
line: "gs_secret_access_key = {{ gs_skey }}" |
regexp: "^#gs_secret_access_key = .*$" |
no_log: True |
- name: Apply the lifecycle rules |
shell: bash google-cloud-sdk/bin/gsutil lifecycle set /tmp/gcs_life.json gs://{{ test_name }} |
environment: |
BOTO_CONFIG: .boto |
- name: Upload collected diagnostic info |
gc_storage: |
bucket: "{{ test_name }}" |
mode: put |
permission: private |
expiration: "{{ expire }}" |
object: "build-{{ test_name }}-{{ kube_network_plugin }}-logs.tar.gz" |
object: "build-{{ ostype }}-{{ kube_network_plugin }}-logs.tar.gz" |
src: logs.tar.gz |
gs_access_key: gs_key |
gs_secret_key: gs_skey |
- name: Get a link |
gc_storage: |
bucket: "{{ test_name }}" |
object: "build-{{ test_name }}-{{ kube_network_plugin }}-logs.tar.gz" |
mode: get_url |
register: url |
gs_access_key: gs_key |
gs_secret_key: gs_skey |
- debug: msg="Download URL {{get_url}}" |
headers: '{"Content-Encoding": "x-gzip"}' |
gs_access_key: "{{ gs_key }}" |
gs_secret_key: "{{ gs_skey }}" |
ignore_errors: true |