@ -19,18 +19,9 @@ |
agent_report_interval: 10 |
netcheck_namespace: default |
netchecker_port: 31081 |
bin_dir: "/usr/local/bin" |
tasks: |
- name: Force binaries directory for Container Linux by CoreOS and Flatcar |
set_fact: |
bin_dir: "/opt/bin" |
when: ansible_os_family in ["Flatcar", "Flatcar Container Linux by Kinvolk"] |
- name: Force binaries directory on other hosts |
set_fact: |
bin_dir: "/usr/local/bin" |
when: not ansible_os_family in ["Flatcar", "Flatcar Container Linux by Kinvolk"] |
- import_role: # noqa name[missing] |
name: cluster-dump |
@ -54,97 +45,57 @@ |
- netchecker-agent-hostnet |
when: not pods_json is success |
- debug: # noqa name[missing] |
var: nca_pod.stdout_lines |
when: inventory_hostname == groups['kube_control_plane'][0] |
- name: Get netchecker agents |
uri: |
url: "http://{{ ansible_default_ipv4.address }}:{{ netchecker_port }}/api/v1/agents/" |
return_content: true |
run_once: true |
delegate_to: "{{ groups['kube_control_plane'][0] }}" |
register: agents |
retries: 18 |
delay: "{{ agent_report_interval }}" |
until: agents.content | length > 0 and |
agents.content[0] == '{' and |
agents.content | from_json | length >= groups['k8s_cluster'] | intersect(ansible_play_hosts) | length * 2 |
failed_when: false |
- name: Check netchecker status |
uri: |
url: "http://{{ ansible_default_ipv4.address }}:{{ netchecker_port }}/api/v1/connectivity_check" |
status_code: 200 |
return_content: true |
delegate_to: "{{ groups['kube_control_plane'][0] }}" |
run_once: true |
register: connectivity_check |
retries: 3 |
delay: "{{ agent_report_interval }}" |
until: connectivity_check.content | length > 0 and |
connectivity_check.content[0] == '{' |
failed_when: false |
when: |
- agents.content != '{}' |
- debug: # noqa name[missing] |
var: pods_json |
run_once: true |
- name: Get kube-proxy logs |
command: "{{ bin_dir }}/kubectl -n kube-system logs -l k8s-app=kube-proxy" |
when: |
- inventory_hostname == groups['kube_control_plane'][0] |
- not connectivity_check is success |
- name: Get logs from other apps |
command: "{{ bin_dir }}/kubectl -n kube-system logs -l k8s-app={{ item }} --all-containers" |
when: |
- inventory_hostname == groups['kube_control_plane'][0] |
- not connectivity_check is success |
with_items: |
- kube-router |
- flannel |
- canal-node |
- calico-node |
- cilium |
- name: Parse agents list |
set_fact: |
agents_check_result: "{{ agents.content | from_json }}" |
delegate_to: "{{ groups['kube_control_plane'][0] }}" |
- name: Perform netchecker tests |
run_once: true |
when: |
- agents is success |
- agents.content is defined |
- agents.content[0] == '{' |
- debug: # noqa name[missing] |
var: agents_check_result |
delegate_to: "{{ groups['kube_control_plane'][0] }}" |
run_once: true |
when: |
- agents_check_result is defined |
- name: Parse connectivity check |
set_fact: |
connectivity_check_result: "{{ connectivity_check.content | from_json }}" |
delegate_to: "{{ groups['kube_control_plane'][0] }}" |
run_once: true |
when: |
- connectivity_check is success |
- connectivity_check.content is defined |
- connectivity_check.content[0] == '{' |
- debug: # noqa name[missing] |
var: connectivity_check_result |
delegate_to: "{{ groups['kube_control_plane'][0] }}" |
run_once: true |
when: |
- connectivity_check_result is defined |
block: |
- name: Get netchecker agents |
uri: |
url: "http://{{ ansible_default_ipv4.address }}:{{ netchecker_port }}/api/v1/agents/" |
return_content: true |
headers: |
Accept: application/json |
register: agents |
retries: 18 |
delay: "{{ agent_report_interval }}" |
until: |
- agents is success |
- (agents.content | from_json | length) == (groups['k8s_cluster'] | length * 2) |
- name: Check netchecker status |
uri: |
url: "http://{{ ansible_default_ipv4.address }}:{{ netchecker_port }}/api/v1/connectivity_check" |
return_content: true |
headers: |
Accept: application/json |
register: connectivity_check |
retries: 3 |
delay: "{{ agent_report_interval }}" |
until: |
- connectivity_check is success |
- connectivity_check.content | from_json |
rescue: |
- name: Get kube-proxy logs |
command: "{{ bin_dir }}/kubectl -n kube-system logs -l k8s-app=kube-proxy" |
- name: Get logs from other apps |
command: "{{ bin_dir }}/kubectl -n kube-system logs -l k8s-app={{ item }} --all-containers" |
with_items: |
- kube-router |
- flannel |
- canal-node |
- calico-node |
- cilium |
- name: Netchecker tests failed |
fail: |
msg: "netchecker tests failed" |
- name: Check connectivity with all netchecker agents |
vars: |
connectivity_check_result: "{{ connectivity_check.content | from_json }}" |
agents_check_result: "{{ agents.content | from_json }}" |
assert: |
that: |
- agents_check_result is defined |
@ -193,8 +144,9 @@ |
- name: samplepod |
command: ["/bin/bash", "-c", "sleep 2000000000000"] |
image: dougbtv/centos-network |
delegate_to: groups['kube_control_plane'][0] |
run_once: true |
when: |
- inventory_hostname == groups['kube_control_plane'][0] |
- kube_network_plugin_multus | default(false) | bool |
- name: Check secondary macvlan interface |
@ -203,6 +155,7 @@ |
until: output.rc == 0 |
retries: 90 |
changed_when: false |
delegate_to: groups['kube_control_plane'][0] |
run_once: true |
when: |
- inventory_hostname == groups['kube_control_plane'][0] |
- kube_network_plugin_multus | default(false) | bool |