Failed to extract signature
2 changed files with 50 additions and 53 deletions
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@ -1,49 +0,0 @@ |
--- |
- name: Start vms for CI job |
vars: |
# Workaround for compatibility when testing upgrades with old == before e9d406ed088d4291ef1d9018c170a4deed2bf928 |
# TODO: drop after 2.27.0 |
legacy_groups: "{{ (['kube_control_plane', 'kube_node', 'calico_rr'] | intersect(item) | length > 0) | ternary(['k8s_cluster'], []) }}" |
tvars: |
kubespray_groups: "{{ item + legacy_groups }}" |
kubernetes.core.k8s: |
definition: "{{ lookup('template', 'vm.yml.j2', template_vars=tvars) }}" |
loop: "{{ scenarios[mode | d('default')] }}" |
- name: Wait for vms to have IP addresses |
kubernetes.core.k8s_info: |
api_version: |
kind: VirtualMachineInstance |
label_selectors: |
- "ci_job_id={{ ci_job_id }}" |
namespace: "{{ pod_namespace }}" |
register: vmis |
until: vmis.resources |
| map(attribute='status.interfaces.0') |
| rejectattr('ipAddress', 'defined') == [] |
retries: 30 |
delay: 10 |
- name: Massage VirtualMachineInstance data into an Ansible inventory structure |
vars: |
ips: "{{ vmis.resources | map(attribute='status.interfaces.0.ipAddress') }}" |
names: "{{ vmis.resources | map(attribute='') }}" |
_groups: "{{ vmis.resources | map(attribute='metadata.annotations.ansible_groups') | map('split', ',') }}" |
hosts: "{{ ips | zip(_groups, names) |
| map('zip', ['ansible_host', 'ansible_groups', 'k8s_vmi_name']) |
| map('map', 'reverse') | map('community.general.dict') }}" |
loop: "{{ hosts | map(attribute='ansible_groups') | flatten | unique }}" |
set_fact: |
ci_inventory: "{{ ci_inventory|d({}) | combine({ |
item: { |
'hosts': hosts | selectattr('ansible_groups', 'contains', item) |
| rekey_on_member('k8s_vmi_name') |
} |
}) |
}}" |
- name: Create inventory for CI tests |
copy: |
content: "{{ ci_inventory | to_yaml }}" |
dest: "{{ inventory_path }}/ci_inventory.yml" |
mode: "0644" |
@ -1,6 +1,52 @@ |
--- |
- name: "Include custom vars for ci job: {{ ci_job_name }}" |
- name: Include custom vars for ci job |
include_vars: "../files/{{ ci_job_name }}.yml" |
- name: Create VMs |
import_tasks: create-vms.yml |
- name: Start vms for CI job |
vars: |
# Workaround for compatibility when testing upgrades with old == before e9d406ed088d4291ef1d9018c170a4deed2bf928 |
# TODO: drop after 2.27.0 |
legacy_groups: "{{ (['kube_control_plane', 'kube_node', 'calico_rr'] | intersect(item) | length > 0) | ternary(['k8s_cluster'], []) }}" |
tvars: |
kubespray_groups: "{{ item + legacy_groups }}" |
kubernetes.core.k8s: |
definition: "{{ lookup('template', 'vm.yml.j2', template_vars=tvars) }}" |
loop: "{{ scenarios[mode | d('default')] }}" |
- name: Wait for vms to have IP addresses |
kubernetes.core.k8s_info: |
api_version: |
kind: VirtualMachineInstance |
label_selectors: |
- "ci_job_id={{ ci_job_id }}" |
namespace: "{{ pod_namespace }}" |
register: vmis |
until: vmis.resources |
| map(attribute='status.interfaces.0') |
| rejectattr('ipAddress', 'defined') == [] |
retries: 30 |
delay: 10 |
- name: Massage VirtualMachineInstance data into an Ansible inventory structure |
vars: |
ips: "{{ vmis.resources | map(attribute='status.interfaces.0.ipAddress') }}" |
names: "{{ vmis.resources | map(attribute='') }}" |
_groups: "{{ vmis.resources | map(attribute='metadata.annotations.ansible_groups') | map('split', ',') }}" |
hosts: "{{ ips | zip(_groups, names) |
| map('zip', ['ansible_host', 'ansible_groups', 'k8s_vmi_name']) |
| map('map', 'reverse') | map('community.general.dict') }}" |
loop: "{{ hosts | map(attribute='ansible_groups') | flatten | unique }}" |
set_fact: |
ci_inventory: "{{ ci_inventory|d({}) | combine({ |
item: { |
'hosts': hosts | selectattr('ansible_groups', 'contains', item) |
| rekey_on_member('k8s_vmi_name') |
} |
}) |
}}" |
- name: Create inventory for CI tests |
copy: |
content: "{{ ci_inventory | to_yaml }}" |
dest: "{{ inventory_path }}/ci_inventory.yml" |
mode: "0644" |